


Undergraduate Students

Postgraduate Students






Undergraduate Students

Postgraduate students



Graduation projects for the academic year 2020 - 2021

Project Title


Supervisor Name



Semi-Active Vibration Control for Single Degree-of-Freedom Systems

Control Engineering

Shibly Ahmed Hameed

ميلاد محسن عبود عليوي

حمزة هيثم منصور كريم

Design and Implementation of H2 Controller for Inverted Pendulum System

Control Engineering

Hazem Ibrahim Ali

أحمد مصطفى عبد الحميد جميل

Design of Integer and Fractional Order PID Controllers for Linear System

Control Engineering

Mohamed Jasim Mohamed

مصطفى اياد حكمت عبد الغني

امجد طه محمد محمود

Design and Implementation of modified sinusoidal PWM Invertor

Control Engineering

Farazdaq Rafeeq Yasien Mohammed

عبد الرحمن محمود احمد صالح

ورود فلاح حسن دحام

Design and Implementation of Closed Loop Speed Control of DC Motor with current control loop

Control Engineering

Farazdaq Rafeeq Yasien Mohammed

كرار فالح حسن غلام

نور الدين  محمد عبد الله برغش

Design of Temperature controller using Arduino

Control Engineering

Hamid Mousa hasan

أسامة عدنان محمد عبد الرسول

الاء بشير عبيد نصيف

Building a mobile application for a smart Farm Using NodeMCU8266

Control Engineering

Qusay Fadhel hasan Ahmed Al-Doori

عبد الكريم عبد الامير حسين عباس

اية عقيل اسماعيل رحيم

Building an IOT Security System for Homes

Control Engineering

Qusay Fadhel hasan Ahmed Al-Doori

طه علي احسان عبد الرحمن

علي خليل ابراهيم داود

State-feedback control Design for Type1 Diabetes

Control Engineering

Taghreed MohammadRidha

عبد الله عبد المجيد حسن حميد

عبد الله علوان منشد شلال

Design of path tracking controller for a quadrotor passing door using optimal controller

Control Engineering

Yaser Nabeel Ibrahem abdulbaki

أحمد مؤيد اسماعيل حمادي

لواء علي سمير مصيل

Experimental Tank Level Control of Lift Station Using Classical Controller Based PLC Systems

Control Engineering

Yaser Nabeel Ibrahem abdulbaki

كرار عباس عبد الزهرة

همام عبد الكريم جاسم أكعيبر

Position Controller Design for Mass-Spring-Damper System using Ant Colony Optimization

Control Engineering

Huthaifa Khalil Al-Khazraji

طيبة دريد محمد علوان

مصطفى وليد نايف محمد

State Feedback Controller for Production Inventory Systems using Cuckoo Search Optimization

Control Engineering

Huthaifa Khalil Al-Khazraji

ايات داود سلمان راشد

نور الهدى نبيل حميد رحيمة

Hypertension control under anesthesia

Control Engineering

Mina Qays Kadhim Ali

زينب خير الله عيدان ياسين

سجى جواد حسن خشان

Suspension System Control using PID Controller

Control Engineering

Yamama A. Shafeek

بنين عبد الامير ناجي مشكور

زهراء سامي كاظم حسن

Suspension System Control using State Feedback Controller

Control Engineering

Yamama A. Shafeek

حسن غالي شرهان خضير

اوس ياس خضير عباس

Design and Implementation of an Elevator Model

Control Engineering

Amer Abed Mansour AlMesaody

عبد الحميد يحيى كريم جواد

علي حازم مسلم مزيد

Design SMC for the electromechanical system

Control Engineering

م. م. رؤى مؤيد

مريم مهدي عبود مشكور

ايلاف علاء احمد هواس

Design SMC for the inverted pendulum

Control Engineering

Ruaa Muayad Saeed Kafee

مرتضى عادل غازي عليوي

ايلاف علاء احمد هواس

Robust Controller for Rotary Inverted Pendulum

Control Engineering

Rasha Mohammed

زهراء سردار علي غافل

علي نوري ذاكر محمود

State Feedback Controller for Rotary Inverted Pendulum

Control Engineering

Rasha Mohammed

كرار طالب علي رشود

محمد جواد كاظم باقر

Optimal Fuzzy Logic Controller for DC motor Using Cultural Algorithm Optimization

Control Engineering

Amjad Falih


ميس صلاح درع عبد

Optimal Interval Fuzzy Logic Controller Type-2 For Nonlinear System using Particle Swarm Optimization

Control Engineering

Amjad Falih

مصطفى خزعل موسى ياسر

شجاع حامد عبد احميد

Obstacle Avoidance Robotic Car.

Computer and Control Engineering

Muayad Sadik Croock Humaidy

هشام خالد عذاب
علي عبد علي صاحب

Implementing Viola Jones method for facial features extraction.

Computer and Control Engineering

Laith Jasim Saud

مينا حسام جاسم

Simulation qpsk transceiver of communication systems.

Computer and Control Engineering

Ekhlas Kadhum H amza

سارة نجم عبد الله

Simulation the performance of wireless sensor network.

Computer and Control Engineering

Ekhlas Kadhum H amza

ايمن عبد الله عبيد

IoT application for smart greenhouse.

Computer and Control Engineering

Ahmed Raoof Nasser

يقين رعد دشر

نبأ جميل مهدي

Sentiment analysis for Tweeter using machine learning.

Computer and Control Engineering

Ahmed Raoof Nasser

صفا كيلان اكرم

A NARX model for SDINS/GPS Integration System.

Computer and Control Engineering

Ahmed Mudheher Hasan

 اية مثنى عباس

Analytical Study for The Characteristics of The Most Common Types of Queuing Systems.

Computer and Control Engineering

Ali Majeed Mahmood

سدن سعدي شاكر

Design of basic microprocessor using VHDL language.

Computer and Control Engineering

Waleed Fawwaz Shareef Amer

 اسامة قصي خالد

Online COVID19 Social distance detector based deep learning.

Computer and Control Engineering

Farah Flayyeh Hasan Al-Khaled

كوثراحمد صاحب

مريم لازم مطلك

Car tracking system using Arduino.

Computer and Control Engineering

Farah Flayyeh Hasan Al-Khaled

سجاد رحيم عبد النبي

مرتضى سلمان

Generate an Echo System by Using Simulator.

Computer and Control Engineering

Marwa Fadhel Jassim Alkubaissy

حسام علاوي جاسم

Real time face recognition.

Computer and Control Engineering

Omer Ali Dheyab Maftool

 لقاء سعد كريم

Image encryption using chaotic logistic map.

Computer and Control Engineering

Omer Ali Dheyab Maftool

احمد مؤيد جبر

Image denoising using matlab.

Computer and Control Engineering

Noor Ayad Yousif Putrus

مرام عادل عبد علي

Performance Evaluation of Spread Spectrum System using BPSK Modulation.

Computer and Control Engineering

Russul Haitham Hadi

ياسر حسين غانم

Performance Evaluation of Spread Spectrum System using QPSK Modulation.

Computer and Control Engineering

Russul Haitham Hadi

مرتضى فاضل حسين

Design of Color Sorter Machine Based on Arduino.

Computer and Control Engineering

Bahaa Dhiaa Jalil Hussain

ماهر جعاز نعمة

لمى قيس ناجي

Design of sliding mode controller for DC/DC buck converter system.

Computer and Control Engineering

Luay Thamir Rasheed Sultan

سارة علي مجيد

Design and implementation of line follower robot using Arduino simulator.

Computer and Control Engineering

Muna Mohmmed Jawad Al-Nayar

شيماء عدنان طه

Practical implementation of laser printing using CNC machine.

Computer and Control Engineering

Ahmed Alaa Oglah

غيث حسون رويح

عبد الله حميد عايد

Logic Gates implementation based neural networks.

Computer and Control Engineering

Ahmed Ibraheem Abdulkareem Ahmed

أبو الحسن علي حسين

mimicking of hand motion using mmg signals

Mechatronics Engineering

Amjad Jaleel Humaidi

عبدالله رفعت

Design and Implementation of Controlled Vertical Wind Turbine System

Mechatronics Engineering

Arif Abdulrahman Ibraheem Al-qassar

ريم وميض

Design and implementation for Prosthetic Finger Control

Mechatronics Engineering

Saleem Khalefa Kadhim

حسن حيدر جواد

A Genetically Tuned PID Controller for Dynamical Systems

Mechatronics Engineering

Omar Farouq Lutfy Sadiq

زينب يوسف اسماعيل

Image Recognition using Deep Learning

Mechatronics Engineering

Bashra Kadhim Oleiwi

محمد ثامر

Design an Automatic Sunshade Mechanism

Mechatronics Engineering

Luma Issa Abdul-Kreem Ali

علي ضياء 

Controlling AVR system using Different Controllers

Mechatronics Engineering

Layla H.Abood

ناجحه عباس حسن

Admission control mechanism for IoT Based Mobile Robot in Cellular Networks

Mechatronics Engineering

Haider d.albonda

فاطمة خالد مجيد

Design and Performance Analysis For Two Robot Arms

Mechatronics Engineering

Shaymaa Mahmood Mahdi Abd

علي هادي

Hiding Data in Image by simple LSB Substitution

Mechatronics Engineering

Baydaa Hashim Helale

رباب عناء

Application of IMC to The Insulin Infusion System Using MATLAB

Mechatronics Engineering

laith Khamees

عبدالكريم باسم كريم

Design Touchless Hand Sanitizer Dispenser

Mechatronics Engineering

Hind Z. Khaleel

مهدي عزام صالح

Discontinuous control of DC-DC Buck converters

Mechatronics Engineering

Bashar Fateh Midhat

عبدالكريم عبدالله

Design a Suitable Controller for Ball and Beam Problem

Mechatronics Engineering

Ivan Isho Gorial Isho

محمد نبيل

Design and Implementation Interactive Windows for Shop Applications

Mechatronics Engineering

Mazin Najeeb Ajaweed Sliaman

صادق منير نجم

Smart Home Design Based on RFID Using Arduino

Mechatronics Engineering

Bahaa Dhiaa Jalil Hussain

فؤاد سلام فؤاد

Design and implementation of intelligent traffic control system

Mechatronics Engineering

Karam Sameer 

احمد كامل

Design of an optimal sliding mode controller for nonlinear system

Mechatronics Engineering

Luay Thamir Rasheed Sultan

سجاد خليل

Mobile Robot Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance using Square Road Map

Mechatronics Engineering

attarid khudhair ahmed

مصطفى جبار عودة

Scalable adaptive D2D communication for mobile robots in Indoor Industrial Environments

Mechatronics Engineering

Haider d.albonda

يحيى أنس

Design and Performance Analysis For Three Robot Arms

Mechatronics Engineering

Shaymaa Mahmood Mahdi Abd

حسين محمد حسين 

Modeling and control of Cruise System

Mechatronics Engineering

Ivan Isho Gorial Isho

ثريا مناف

Discontinuous Control of PMDC Motors

Mechatronics Engineering

Bashar Fateh Midhat

امير شياع سركال 

Design and Implementation Window Shading System for Home Applications

Mechatronics Engineering

Mazin Najeeb Ajaweed Sliaman

ورقاء عبدالخالق هضم

Design of an intelligent PID controller for speed control of a PMDC motor based on fruit fly optimization algorithm.

Mechatronics Engineering

Luay Thamir Rasheed Sultan

ايه قحطان زمزير



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