Graduation projects for the academic year 2020 - 2021
Project Title |
Branch |
Supervisor Name |
Student Name |
Semi-Active Vibration Control for Single Degree-of-Freedom Systems |
Control Engineering |
Shibly Ahmed Hameed |
ميلاد محسن عبود عليوي حمزة هيثم منصور كريم |
Design and Implementation of H2 Controller for Inverted Pendulum System |
Control Engineering |
Hazem Ibrahim Ali |
أحمد مصطفى عبد الحميد جميل |
Design of Integer and Fractional Order PID Controllers for Linear System |
Control Engineering |
Mohamed Jasim Mohamed |
مصطفى اياد حكمت عبد الغني امجد طه محمد محمود |
Design and Implementation of modified sinusoidal PWM Invertor |
Control Engineering |
Farazdaq Rafeeq Yasien Mohammed |
عبد الرحمن محمود احمد صالح ورود فلاح حسن دحام |
Design and Implementation of Closed Loop Speed Control of DC Motor with current control loop |
Control Engineering |
Farazdaq Rafeeq Yasien Mohammed |
كرار فالح حسن غلام نور الدين محمد عبد الله برغش |
Design of Temperature controller using Arduino |
Control Engineering |
Hamid Mousa hasan |
أسامة عدنان محمد عبد الرسول الاء بشير عبيد نصيف |
Building a mobile application for a smart Farm Using NodeMCU8266 |
Control Engineering |
Qusay Fadhel hasan Ahmed Al-Doori |
عبد الكريم عبد الامير حسين عباس اية عقيل اسماعيل رحيم |
Building an IOT Security System for Homes |
Control Engineering |
Qusay Fadhel hasan Ahmed Al-Doori |
طه علي احسان عبد الرحمن علي خليل ابراهيم داود |
State-feedback control Design for Type1 Diabetes |
Control Engineering |
Taghreed MohammadRidha |
عبد الله عبد المجيد حسن حميد عبد الله علوان منشد شلال |
Design of path tracking controller for a quadrotor passing door using optimal controller |
Control Engineering |
Yaser Nabeel Ibrahem abdulbaki |
أحمد مؤيد اسماعيل حمادي لواء علي سمير مصيل |
Experimental Tank Level Control of Lift Station Using Classical Controller Based PLC Systems |
Control Engineering |
Yaser Nabeel Ibrahem abdulbaki |
كرار عباس عبد الزهرة همام عبد الكريم جاسم أكعيبر |
Position Controller Design for Mass-Spring-Damper System using Ant Colony Optimization |
Control Engineering |
Huthaifa Khalil Al-Khazraji |
طيبة دريد محمد علوان مصطفى وليد نايف محمد |
State Feedback Controller for Production Inventory Systems using Cuckoo Search Optimization |
Control Engineering |
Huthaifa Khalil Al-Khazraji |
ايات داود سلمان راشد نور الهدى نبيل حميد رحيمة |
Hypertension control under anesthesia |
Control Engineering |
Mina Qays Kadhim Ali |
زينب خير الله عيدان ياسين سجى جواد حسن خشان |
Suspension System Control using PID Controller |
Control Engineering |
Yamama A. Shafeek |
بنين عبد الامير ناجي مشكور زهراء سامي كاظم حسن |
Suspension System Control using State Feedback Controller |
Control Engineering |
Yamama A. Shafeek |
حسن غالي شرهان خضير اوس ياس خضير عباس |
Design and Implementation of an Elevator Model |
Control Engineering |
Amer Abed Mansour AlMesaody |
عبد الحميد يحيى كريم جواد علي حازم مسلم مزيد |
Design SMC for the electromechanical system |
Control Engineering |
م. م. رؤى مؤيد |
مريم مهدي عبود مشكور ايلاف علاء احمد هواس |
Design SMC for the inverted pendulum |
Control Engineering |
Ruaa Muayad Saeed Kafee |
مرتضى عادل غازي عليوي ايلاف علاء احمد هواس |
Robust Controller for Rotary Inverted Pendulum |
Control Engineering |
Rasha Mohammed |
زهراء سردار علي غافل علي نوري ذاكر محمود |
State Feedback Controller for Rotary Inverted Pendulum |
Control Engineering |
Rasha Mohammed |
كرار طالب علي رشود محمد جواد كاظم باقر |
Optimal Fuzzy Logic Controller for DC motor Using Cultural Algorithm Optimization |
Control Engineering |
Amjad Falih |
ميس صلاح درع عبد |
Optimal Interval Fuzzy Logic Controller Type-2 For Nonlinear System using Particle Swarm Optimization |
Control Engineering |
Amjad Falih |
مصطفى خزعل موسى ياسر شجاع حامد عبد احميد |
Obstacle Avoidance Robotic Car. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Muayad Sadik Croock Humaidy |
هشام خالد عذاب |
Implementing Viola Jones method for facial features extraction. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Laith Jasim Saud |
مينا حسام جاسم |
Simulation qpsk transceiver of communication systems. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Ekhlas Kadhum H amza |
سارة نجم عبد الله |
Simulation the performance of wireless sensor network. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Ekhlas Kadhum H amza |
ايمن عبد الله عبيد |
IoT application for smart greenhouse. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Ahmed Raoof Nasser |
يقين رعد دشر نبأ جميل مهدي |
Sentiment analysis for Tweeter using machine learning. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Ahmed Raoof Nasser |
صفا كيلان اكرم |
A NARX model for SDINS/GPS Integration System. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Ahmed Mudheher Hasan |
اية مثنى عباس |
Analytical Study for The Characteristics of The Most Common Types of Queuing Systems. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Ali Majeed Mahmood |
سدن سعدي شاكر |
Design of basic microprocessor using VHDL language. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Waleed Fawwaz Shareef Amer |
اسامة قصي خالد |
Online COVID19 Social distance detector based deep learning. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Farah Flayyeh Hasan Al-Khaled |
كوثراحمد صاحب مريم لازم مطلك |
Car tracking system using Arduino. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Farah Flayyeh Hasan Al-Khaled |
سجاد رحيم عبد النبي مرتضى سلمان |
Generate an Echo System by Using Simulator. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Marwa Fadhel Jassim Alkubaissy |
حسام علاوي جاسم |
Real time face recognition. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Omer Ali Dheyab Maftool |
لقاء سعد كريم |
Image encryption using chaotic logistic map. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Omer Ali Dheyab Maftool |
احمد مؤيد جبر |
Image denoising using matlab. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Noor Ayad Yousif Putrus |
مرام عادل عبد علي |
Performance Evaluation of Spread Spectrum System using BPSK Modulation. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Russul Haitham Hadi |
ياسر حسين غانم |
Performance Evaluation of Spread Spectrum System using QPSK Modulation. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Russul Haitham Hadi |
مرتضى فاضل حسين |
Design of Color Sorter Machine Based on Arduino. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Bahaa Dhiaa Jalil Hussain |
ماهر جعاز نعمة لمى قيس ناجي |
Design of sliding mode controller for DC/DC buck converter system. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Luay Thamir Rasheed Sultan |
سارة علي مجيد |
Design and implementation of line follower robot using Arduino simulator. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Muna Mohmmed Jawad Al-Nayar |
شيماء عدنان طه |
Practical implementation of laser printing using CNC machine. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Ahmed Alaa Oglah |
غيث حسون رويح عبد الله حميد عايد |
Logic Gates implementation based neural networks. |
Computer and Control Engineering |
Ahmed Ibraheem Abdulkareem Ahmed |
أبو الحسن علي حسين |
mimicking of hand motion using mmg signals |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Amjad Jaleel Humaidi |
عبدالله رفعت |
Design and Implementation of Controlled Vertical Wind Turbine System |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Arif Abdulrahman Ibraheem Al-qassar |
ريم وميض |
Design and implementation for Prosthetic Finger Control |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Saleem Khalefa Kadhim |
حسن حيدر جواد |
A Genetically Tuned PID Controller for Dynamical Systems |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Omar Farouq Lutfy Sadiq |
زينب يوسف اسماعيل |
Image Recognition using Deep Learning |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Bashra Kadhim Oleiwi |
محمد ثامر |
Design an Automatic Sunshade Mechanism |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Luma Issa Abdul-Kreem Ali |
علي ضياء |
Controlling AVR system using Different Controllers |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Layla H.Abood |
ناجحه عباس حسن |
Admission control mechanism for IoT Based Mobile Robot in Cellular Networks |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Haider d.albonda |
فاطمة خالد مجيد |
Design and Performance Analysis For Two Robot Arms |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Shaymaa Mahmood Mahdi Abd |
علي هادي |
Hiding Data in Image by simple LSB Substitution |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Baydaa Hashim Helale |
رباب عناء |
Application of IMC to The Insulin Infusion System Using MATLAB |
Mechatronics Engineering |
laith Khamees |
عبدالكريم باسم كريم |
Design Touchless Hand Sanitizer Dispenser |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Hind Z. Khaleel |
مهدي عزام صالح |
Discontinuous control of DC-DC Buck converters |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Bashar Fateh Midhat |
عبدالكريم عبدالله |
Design a Suitable Controller for Ball and Beam Problem |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Ivan Isho Gorial Isho |
محمد نبيل |
Design and Implementation Interactive Windows for Shop Applications |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Mazin Najeeb Ajaweed Sliaman |
صادق منير نجم |
Smart Home Design Based on RFID Using Arduino |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Bahaa Dhiaa Jalil Hussain |
فؤاد سلام فؤاد |
Design and implementation of intelligent traffic control system |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Karam Sameer |
احمد كامل |
Design of an optimal sliding mode controller for nonlinear system |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Luay Thamir Rasheed Sultan |
سجاد خليل |
Mobile Robot Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance using Square Road Map |
Mechatronics Engineering |
attarid khudhair ahmed |
مصطفى جبار عودة |
Scalable adaptive D2D communication for mobile robots in Indoor Industrial Environments |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Haider d.albonda |
يحيى أنس |
Design and Performance Analysis For Three Robot Arms |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Shaymaa Mahmood Mahdi Abd |
حسين محمد حسين |
Modeling and control of Cruise System |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Ivan Isho Gorial Isho |
ثريا مناف |
Discontinuous Control of PMDC Motors |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Bashar Fateh Midhat |
امير شياع سركال |
Design and Implementation Window Shading System for Home Applications |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Mazin Najeeb Ajaweed Sliaman |
ورقاء عبدالخالق هضم |
Design of an intelligent PID controller for speed control of a PMDC motor based on fruit fly optimization algorithm. |
Mechatronics Engineering |
Luay Thamir Rasheed Sultan |
ايه قحطان زمزير |