Viva Voice For Master Degree 

 The master's thesis of the student (Hanan Muhammad Kazem), specializing in (Computer Engineering), was discussed on Sunday January 24, 2021 at the conference room in the Control and Systems Engineering Department, for her research entitled: (Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller as an Active Queue Management for Congestion Avoidance in Internet Routers)

The viva committee consisted of:

1- Dr. Hazem Ibrahim Ali (Professor)/ Chairman.

2- Dr. Mona Muhammad Jawad (Assistant Professor)/ member.

3 -Dr. Ammar Abdul-Malik Abdul-Kareem (Assistant Professor)/ member.

4 -Dr. Ahmed Alaa Akla (Assistant Professor)/ member and supervisor.

In this thesis, the researcher formulated a complex model for (TCP / AQM) and it was simulated first without a controller. The results indicate that the required queue length cannot be traced. Therefore, IT2FLC was designed to achieve better tracking performance and avoid congestion. In networks, multiple evolutionary optimization algorithms were used to choose the optimal parameters of controllers. The results obtained showed that the AQM-based IT2FLC give more acceptable performance compared to those obtained by IT1FCL IT2FLC succeeded in making the queue size track the required level even with changes in many network parameters. The discussion was attended by the Assistant Head of the Department for Academic Affairs and Postgraduate Studies (Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yusef Hassan). On this occasion, we congratulate the student (Hanan Muhammad Kazim) and we wish her continued success in her career. 











