Master's Viva

The master's thesis of graduate student Hanan Abdul Attia, specialized in mechatronics engineering, was discussed on Wednesday, 22 December 2021, at Hall 9 in the Department of Control and Systems Engineering. The research was entitled:

Deep Learning _Based Mobile Robot Localization


The discussion committee consisted of:

  1. Dr. Omar Farouk Lotfi / Chairman.
  2. Dr. Mohammed Sabri Salem / Member.
  3. Assist.Prof. Shaimaa Mahmoud Mahdi / Member.
  4.  Dr. Mohammed Yusuf Hassan / Member and Supervisor.


Mobile robot positioning is a potential problem due to the difficulty of GPS sensor systems in detecting the mobile robot's location in the external environment. In this work, enhancing the localization of mobile robots by combining liDAR D3 data with images of RGB_D and the use of deep learning techniques were studied, and the results were good at identifying the correct location. The results of the simulation show that the proposed technology is better to reduce the computational cost as a result of a 90% reduction in training time for the proposed network Compared to previous systems. On this occasion, we congratulate the student (Hanan Abdel Attia) and wish her continued success.









