Conferences and seminars 2021

Workshops and lectures for the 2020-2021 academic year

Title Date Lectures Type
A workshop on how to use the available applications to make the process of grading students' final examinations easier.  22 \ 09 \2020

Qusay Fadhe&

Sumayah Flayyih

Writing a graduation project 31/12/2020

Farah Flayyeh

Writing a graduation project 9/1/2021

Farah Flayyeh

Writing a graduation project 12/1/2021

Farah Flayyeh

Writing a graduation project 17/1/2021

Farah Flayyeh



Workshops and seminars in 2021

Details location Date Title
  Control and Systems Engineering Department conference hall 2021/1 The Control and Systems Engineering Department holds a symposium on the dangers of drug toxicity and abuse.
Here University of Technology 20/4/2021 , 28/4 and 6/5/2021 Discussion sessions (Taa_altaaneeth_lm_taad_sakena)
  Control and Systems Engineering Department, and on the Google Meet platform 30/05/2021 A lecture entitled (An investigation of the internal structure of a heat-treated reactor pressure vessel, welded with electron beams and coated with a laser)
  Control and Systems Engineering Department, and on the Google Meet platform 8-7-6/6/2021 A collection of second seminars (seminars) held as part of the department's scientific activities.
  Control and Systems Engineering Department 06/07/2021
Seminar entitled Intelligent Systems: Principles and Applications
Here Control and Systems Engineering Department conference hall 7/7/2021 Inventive Women of the University of Technology are Still Giving 
  Control and Systems Engineering Department  17/08/2021 A panel discussion titled "Achievement the Portfolio and Rubric"
Here Control and Systems Engineering Department  2021 language integrity course in editing official books and administrative correspondences 
Here  Control and Systems Engineering Department conference hall 16/11/2021

Seminar on Applying and Admission to Schools for the Distinguished and Talented 
