Conferences and seminars 2021
Workshops and lectures for the 2020-2021 academic year
Title | Date | Lectures | Type |
A workshop on how to use the available applications to make the process of grading students' final examinations easier. | 22 \ 09 \2020 |
Qusay Fadhe&Sumayah Flayyih |
Online |
Writing a graduation project | 31/12/2020 |
Farah Flayyeh |
In-person |
Writing a graduation project | 9/1/2021 |
Farah Flayyeh |
In-person |
Writing a graduation project | 12/1/2021 |
Farah Flayyeh |
In-person |
Writing a graduation project | 17/1/2021 |
Farah Flayyeh |
In-person |
Workshops and seminars in 2021
Details | location | Date | Title |
Control and Systems Engineering Department conference hall | 2021/1 | The Control and Systems Engineering Department holds a symposium on the dangers of drug toxicity and abuse. | |
Here | University of Technology | 20/4/2021 , 28/4 and 6/5/2021 | Discussion sessions (Taa_altaaneeth_lm_taad_sakena) |
Control and Systems Engineering Department, and on the Google Meet platform | 30/05/2021 | A lecture entitled (An investigation of the internal structure of a heat-treated reactor pressure vessel, welded with electron beams and coated with a laser) | |
Control and Systems Engineering Department, and on the Google Meet platform | 8-7-6/6/2021 | A collection of second seminars (seminars) held as part of the department's scientific activities. | |
Control and Systems Engineering Department | 06/07/2021 |
Seminar entitled Intelligent Systems: Principles and Applications
Here | Control and Systems Engineering Department conference hall | 7/7/2021 | Inventive Women of the University of Technology are Still Giving |
Control and Systems Engineering Department | 17/08/2021 | A panel discussion titled "Achievement the Portfolio and Rubric" | |
Here | Control and Systems Engineering Department | 2021 | language integrity course in editing official books and administrative correspondences |
Here | Control and Systems Engineering Department conference hall | 16/11/2021 |
Seminar on Applying and Admission to Schools for the Distinguished and Talented |