Layla H.Abood
Control and Systems Engineering Department
Assistant Professor
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Layla H. Abood has graduated from the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Technology. She worked as Assistant Lecturer in the Control and System Department at the University of Technology from in 2013. At 2015 was studied a PhD in the University of Technology and at 2020 finished her PhD degree and work as a PhD lecturer in Control and System Department at the University of Technology.
PhD., Electrical engineeringUniv. of Technology, Iraq, 2020.
M.Sc., Electrical engineering, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2013.
B.Sc., Electrical engineering Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 1992.
Digital Electronics -FPGA Systems -VHDL Programming- Artificial Intelligent- System Modelling- OptimizationMethods
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits- First undergraduate level.
Matlab Programming – Second undergraduate level.
Communication Fundementals - Third undergraduate level.
Digital signal Processing- Third undergraduate level.
VHDL &FPGA Fourth undergraduate level.
Embedded Systems - Fourth undergraduate level.
Digital systems - Second undergraduate level.
" L. H. Abood, E. H. Karam, and A. H. Issa, ``Design of adaptive neuro sliding mode controller for anesthesia drug delivery based on biogeography based optimization,'' Int. J. dv. Comput. Res., vol. 9, no. 42, pp. 146 155, 2019." |
Layla H. Karam ,Ekhlas H.Karam,Abbsa Hussain Issa,Implementation of Self Tune Single Neuron PID Controller for Depth of Anesthesia by FPGA. International Conference on New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications.volume 938 ,159-170 (2018) |
Abood, L. H., Karam, E. H., & Issa, A. H. (2018, December). "FPGA Implementation of Single Neuron PID Controller for Depth of Anesthesia Based on PSO". In 2018 Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineering (SCEE) (pp. 247-252). IEEE |
Dr.Wael Hadi, Layla H.Abood," Design and Implementation of MC-CDMA Technique Using FPGAs”, Journal of Engineering, and Technology, Vol.31, No. 11, pp.2085-2097, Baghdad, Iraq,2013. |
layla h. abood ,"Wimax Networks',AL-Mansour Journal / No.14/ Special Issue /( Part Two) 2010 |
layla H.Abood , " FPGA Implementation of Ternary Content Addressable Memory",Al-Mansour Journal/ Issue( 24 ) 2015 |
Hana'a M. Salman, Layla H. Abood (2010), "A use of Ridgelet transform as a speech scrambling means," Eng.& tech. Journal, Vol. I, No. 2010. |