Reem Majeed Ibrahim
Control and Systems Engineering, 1rd floor, Office
Assistant Lecturer
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Reem Majeed Ibrahim graduated from the Computer Science Department at the University of Technology. I worked as an assistant laboratory in the same department from 2012 to 2013. I worked at CESE, the Center for Electronic Cultural Services at the same university from 2011-2016, and held a position in charge of the website in addition to the Department of Quality and University Statistics. In 2016, I obtained a master's degree in computer science, and the thesis was titled" Classification of Face Image Based on Gender Intelligent Methods" Under the supervision of Dr.Nidaa Flaih Hassan. Then I worked in the Product Marketing and Patents Department in the Office of the Vice President for Scientific Affairs at the same university from 2016-2017, after which I worked in the control and systems engineering department based on my request to work as an assistant lecturer. In September 2017 until now. It works on teaching the programming language C++ in addition to the subject of digital systems, databases and data structures and supervising graduation projects for students, in addition to participating in making field and scientific visits to ministries and state institutions such as the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the smart card company and the Ministry of Communications, in addition to that, he worked within Staff of the examination committee. .In addition to participating in cultural and scientific festivals and scientific innovation exhibitions.
M.Sc., Computer science, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2016.
B.Sc., Computer science, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2007.
classification of face Image based on Gender intelligent methods, Classification of Gender Face Image Based on Slantlet Transform,hybrid technique:text detection using a neural network and boxes
N. Magdelaine, P. S. Rivadeneira, L. Chaillous, A. Fournier, M. Krempf, T. MohammadRidha, M. A. Ahmed and C. H. Moog, “ The Hypoglycemia Free Artificial Pancreas Project”, IET Systems Biology, ACCEPTED 2019. |
T. MohammadRidha, P. S. Rivadeneira, N. Magdelaine, M. Cardelli, and C. H. Moog,"Positively Invariant Sets of a T1DM Model: Hypoglycemia Prediction and Avoidance”, Journal of Franklin Institute, 356 5652–5674 , 2019 |
T. MohammadRidha, M. A. Ahmed, L. Chaillous, M. Krempf, I. Guilhem, J. Poirier and C. H. Moog, “Model Free iPID Control for Glycemia Regulation of Type-1 Diabetes”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 65, Issue: 1, PP. 199 - 206, 2018. |
K. Menani, T. MohammadRidha, N. Magdelaine, M. Abdelaziz and C. H. Moog, “Positive Sliding Mode Control for Glycemia Regulation”, International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 48, Issue 15, PP. 3267-3278, 2017. |
T. MohammadRidha, P. S. Rivadeneira, M. Cardelli, N. Magdelaine, and C. H. Moog,“Toward Hypoglycemia Prediction and Avoidance for Type 1 Diabetic Patients”, IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC, 4118– 4123, Melbourne, Australia, 2017. |
T. MohammadRidha, P. S. Rivadeneira, J. Sereno, M. Cardelli, and C. H. Moog, “Description of the Positively Invariant Sets of a Type 1 Diabetic Patient Model”, The 17th CLCA Latin American Conference of Automatic Control, Colombia, 2016. |
T. MohammadRidha, C. H. Moog, “ Model Free Control for Type-1 Diabetes: Fasting-Phase study”,9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems”, Berlin, Germany, 2015. |
T. MohammadRidha, C. H. Moog, E. Delaleau, M. Fliess, and C. Join, “A Variable Reference Trajectory for Model-free Glycemia Regulation”, Paris France, 2015. |
S. A. AL-Samarraie, S. M. Mahdi, T. MohammadRidha and M. H. Mishary, “Sliding Mode Control for Electro-Hydraulic Servo System”, IJCCC, 15, 3, 1-10, Baghdad, 2015. |
M. Q. Kadhim, S. M. Raafat and T. MohammadRidha, “Receding Horizon Control of an Active Magnetic Bearings System via Model Predictive Control”, The Second Engineering Conference of Control, Computers and MechatronicsEngineering (ECCCM2 2014), Baghdad, Iraq, 2014. |
T. MohammadRidha, M. Q. Kadhim and S. M. Mahdi, “Back stepping-Based-PID-Controller Designed for an Artificial Pancreas model”, Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 54-60, Baghdad, 2011. |
T. MohammadRidha, “Model Predictive Control of Blood Pressure by Drug Infusion”, Iraqi Journal of computers, Control and Systems Engineering, Baghdad, Iraq, 2011. |
T. MohammadRidha,”The Design of a Tuned Mass Damper as a Vibration absorber”, Vol. 28,No. 14, pp. 4844-4852, Baghdad, Iraq, 2010. |
U. Y. Mahmoud, F. R. Yasien and T. MohammadRidha,”Sliding Mode Control for Gust Responses in Tall buildings”, Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 27, pp. 982-992, Baghdad, Iraq, 2008. |
Fundamentals of computer science- First undergraduate level.
programming language C++
Digital Logic Techniques – First undergraduate level.
DataBase- Second undergraduate level.
datastructure - Third undergraduate level.
supervising graduation projects for students