Cinque Terre

Rawaa Rifaat Khaleel

Control and Systems Engineering

Assistant Lecturer

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Rawaa Rifaat Khalell earned a bachelor's degree in Control Engineering from the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology, Baghdad, in 2016. She pursued further studies and completed a master's degree in Systems and Control Engineering from CWRU at Cleveland, Ohio,USA, in 2022.

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Msc. Systems and Control Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,Ohio, USA.

Bsc in control engineering/control and systems engineering department/ University of technology-Iraq

Control Systems

Renewable Energy

Optimization Methods

Synergetic Control Design Based Sparrow Search Optimization for Tracking Control of Driven- Pendulum System
Design and Implementation of a Steer-by-Wire Control System for Autonomous Vehicles
LQR/Sliding Mode Controller Design Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Crane System

plc laboratory

Gaining Fulbright Scholarship to study Long Term English program and them Master degree
