Hamid Mousa hasan husain
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 2rd floor
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Hamid M. Hasan. Received B.Sc. in control and systems engineering, 1986, and M.Sc. in computer engineering, 1990, from university of technology, Iraq. He received Ph.D. in computer engineering, 2012, from Basra University, Iraq. He currently working as Assistant professor at the faculty of control and systems engineering, university of technology, Iraq. He is interested in computer networks studies and researches, wireless sensor networks realization, mobile robot navigation, IoT development and investigation, pattern recognition, Face recognition, image processing, and stochastic DSP applications.
PhD., Computer engineering,Basra University ,Iraq, 2012.
M.s.c, computer engineering,University of technology,Iraq,1990.
B.s.c. control and systems,University of technology,Iraq,1986.
interested in computer networks studies and researches, wireless sensor networks realization, mobile robot navigation, IoT development and investigation, pattern recognition, Face recognition, image processing, and stochastic DSP applications.
Hasan, H. M., and Ekhlas J. Mahmood. "Challenges of Changing Engineering Education." Engineering and Technology Journal 37.4 C (2019): 480-486. |
Hasan, H. M., and S. A. Jawad. "IoT Protocols for Health Care Systems: A Comparative Study." (2018). |
Hasan, Hamid M., and Atheer J. Baqir. "Wi-Fi Localization with a Case Study of Mobile Robot." American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) 47.1 (2018): 134-144. |
Hamid M. Hasan, Hawra'a Fadhil Abbas. "Evaluation of MQTT Protocol for E-Learning",International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing , Vol.7 , Issue.11, November-2018, pg. 57-67. |
Hamid M. Hasan, Bahaa K. mohammed."Evaluation of MQTT Protocol for IoT Based Industrial Automation". International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing,December 2018 ,volume 8 Issue No.12 |
Hasan, Hamid M., and Ahmed I. Ahmed. "A comparative analysis for congestion mechanism in COAP and COCOA." Engineering and Technology Journal 36.8 Part (A) Engineering (2018): 867-877. |
Hasan, H. M., and T. H. Mohammed. "Implementation of Mobile Robot’s Navigation using SLAM based on Cloud Computing." Engineering and Technology Journal 35.6 Part (A) Engineering (2017): 634-639. |
Hamid M. Hasan."Image Based Vehicle Traffic Measurement". Eng. & Tech. Journal, 2014. |
Humaid, Amjad J., Hamid M. Hasan, and Firas A. Raheem. "Development of Model Predictive Controller for Congestion Control Problem." IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 14.3 (2014): 42-51. |
Hasan, Hamid M., Waleed A. AL Jouhar, and Majid A. Alwan. "Face recognition using improved FFT based radon by PSO and PCA techniques." International Journal of Image Processing (IJIP) 6.1 (2012): 26. |
Hasan, Mr Hamid M., Waleed A. AL Jouhar, and Majid A. Alwan. "3-D Face Recognition Using Improved 3D Mixed Transform." International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics (2012). |
Dr. Saleh M. Al-Qaraawy, Hamid Mousa Hasan, Maher Faik Esmaile. "Remote ECG Signal Monitoring Via Internet",Engineering & Technology Journal,Vol.27, No. 7, 2009 |
Hasan, Hamid Mousa. "Vehicle License Plate Localization Method Based on spectrally image processing." |
Computer Networks (B.Sc.)
Advanced Computer Networks (M.Sc.)
Digital signal processing (B.Sc.)
Digital Techniques & VHDL
Advanced Digital systems design
Object oriented programming using C++
Software engineering
Microprocessors and microcomputers
Computer architecture
Data Communications
Fundamentals of electronics cct.
design Applied electronic circuits design