Ahmed Raoof Nasser
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 2rd floor
Assistant Professor
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Ahmed Raoof Nasser got his Bsc degree from University of Technology Control and Systems Eng. Faculty, Baghdad Iraq in 2006, MSc degree in Computer Eng. from Istanbul University, Istanbul Turkey in 2012, Phd degree from Hacettepe University, Ankara Turkey Computer Eng., in 2018. His current interest on “Data Mining”, “Natural Language Processing” and “Machine Learning”.
PhD., Computer Engineering, Hacettpe University Turkey, 2018.
M.Sc., Computer Engineering , Istanbul University, Turkey,2012.
B.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq,2006.
Data Mining.
Natural Language Processing.
Machine Learning.
Nasser, A., and Sever, H., (2020) A Concept-based Sentiment Analysis Approach for Arabic ,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), In press |
Nasser, A., and Sever, H. (2019) Intrusion Detection Architecture based on Rough Sets, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 415-422, DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2019.415.422. |
Nasser, A., and Sever, H. (2018) A Large Scale Arabic Sentiment Corpus Construction Using Online News Media, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13(17): 7329-7340, DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2018.7329.7340. |
Nasser, A., Sever, H. and Raghavan, V.V. (2017). Utilization of Rough Sets for Intrusion Detection, 17th World Congress of IFSA-SCIS'17, Otsu, Japan. |
Nasser, A., Dinçer, K. and Sever, H., 2016. Investigation of the Feature Selection Problem for Sentiment Analysis in Arabic Language. Research in Computing Science, 110, pp.41-54. |
Raheem, F.A., Khaleel, H.Z., Raoof, A. and Noree, M., 2016, April. Hexapod robot static stability analysis using genetic algorithm simulation and experimental work. In Proc. 15th Scientific Conf.. |
Data Communication
Electronic Circuits Design I and II
Computer Graphics
Computer Networks
Java Programming