Luay Thamir Rasheed Sultan
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 2rd floor
Assistant Professor
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Luay Thamir Rasheed has graduated from the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology. He worked as an engineer in the same department from 2009 to 2017. In 2017, he was granted a master’s degree from the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology. He received his scientific promotion to be an assistant professor in 2024 to the present. His research interests include adaptive control, nonlinear control, nonlinear observers, intelligent control, and artificial intelligence algorithms.
M.Sc., Control and Systems, University of Technology, Iraq, 2017.
B.Sc., Control and Systems, University of Technology, Iraq, 2007.
Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Sliding Mode Control, Intelligent Control, Robotics, LabVIEW, Backstepping Control, Artificial Intelligence.
A Al-Araji, A Alaa and LT Rasheed, "Design of Adaptive Back Stepping Controller for Nonlinear Magnetic Levitation System Based on Optimization Algorithm", 2nd-Al-Sadiq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science and Technologies 2017 . |
A Al-Araji and LT Rasheed, "Design of a Nonlinear Fractional Order PID Neural Controller for Mobile Robot based on Particle Swarm Optimization", Eng. &Tech.Journal 34 (12), 2318-2333. |
A Al-Araji and LT Rasheed, " A Cognitive Nonlinear Fractional Order PID Neural Controller Design for Wheeled Mobile Robot based on Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm", Engineering and Technology Journal 35 (2), 289-300. |
LT Rasheed, "A Comparative Study of Various Intelligent Controllers' Performance for Systems Based on Bat Optimization Algorithm", Engineering and Technology Journal 38 (6), 938-950. |
LT Rasheed, "Bat Algorithm Based an Adaptive PID Controller Design for Buck Converter Model", University of Baghdad, Engineering Journal 26 (7), 62-82. |
LT Rasheed, "Performance of the adaptive sliding mode control scheme for output voltage control of the DC/DC buck converter systeml", 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020).At: Baghdad-Iraq, Volume: 881, 1-12. |
Mohammed K. Hamzah and Luay T. Rasheed, “Design of Optimal Sliding Mode Controllers for Electrical Servo Drive System Under Disturbance”, the 2nd International Conference on Electromechanical Engineering and Its Applications (ICEMEA2021), Volume 2415, Issue 1, 15 December 2022. |
Luay Thamir Rasheed, “An Optimal Modified Elman - PID Neural Controller Design for DC/DC Boost Converter Model”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), Vol. 18, No. 2, April 2023. |
Noor Q. Yousif, Alaq F. Hasan, Abidaoun H. Shallal, Amjad J. Humaidi1, Luay T. Rasheed, “Performance Improvement of Nonlinear Differentiator Based on Optimization Algorithms”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), Vol. 18, No. 3, June 2023. |
Ahmed Khalaf Hamoudi and Luay Thamir Rasheed, “Performance of The Optimal Nonlinear PID Controller for Position Control of Antenna Azimuth Position System”, Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems (MMEP), Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2023. |
Ahmed Khalaf Hamoudi and Luay Thamir Rasheed, “Design and Implementation of Adaptive Backstepping Control for Position Control of Propeller-Driven Pendulum System”, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol. 56, No. 2, April 2023. |
Suha S. Husain, Luay T. Rasheed, Rawnaq A. Mahmod, Ekhlas K. Hamza, Noaman M. Noaman, and Amjad Jaleel Humaidi, “Design of Robust Controller for Tail-Sitter VTOL Aircraft”, IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Bahrain, Bahrain, 25-27 October 2023. |
Suha S. Husain, Luay T. Rasheed, Rawnaq A. Mahmod, Ekhlas K. Hamza, Noaman M. Noaman, and Amjad Jaleel Humaidi, “Design of RISE Control for Respiratory System”, IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences (ICETAS), Bahrain, Bahrain, 25-27 October 2023. |
Mohamed Jasim Mohamed and Luay Thamir Rasheed, “Design of Nonlinear PID and FOPID Controllers for Electronic Throttle Valve Plate’s Position”, Wiley, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 2024, No. 1, Article ID 9984750, 2024. |
Ahmed Khalaf Hamoudi and Luay Thamir Rasheed, “Design of an Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Controller for Position Control of Electronic Throttle Valve”, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, Vol. 57, No. 3, June, 2024, pp. 729-735. |
Numerical Analysis - Third Year of undergraduate level.
Engineering Analysis - Third Year of undergraduate level.
Fluid Power Systems - Third Year of undergraduate level.
LabView - Second Year of undergraduate level.
AutoCAD - First Year of undergraduate level.
Engineering Drawing - First Year of undergraduate level.