Ahmed Mudheher Hasan
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 2nd floor
Assistant Professor
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I received the B.Sc. degree in Control and Systems Engineering (Computer Branch) from the Control and Systems Engineering Department 2002, University of Technology, the M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from the same department 2006, the Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from the Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. Currently, I'm working on Hybrid Intelligent Systems with optimization techniques.
PhD.,Computer and Communications Engineering Department, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2012.
M.Sc.,Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2006.
B.Sc.,Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2002.
Navigation systems, Artificial intelligence, Signal processing, Image processing, Optimization techniques, Computer Network, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA).
A review of navigation systems (integration and algorithms), Australian journal of basic and applied sciences 3 (2), 943-959. |
Comparative study on wavelet filter and thresholding selection for GPS/INS data fusion, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information. |
Automatic estimation of inertial navigation system errors for global positioning system outage recovery, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: |
Intelligently tuned wavelet parameters for GPS/INS error estimation, International Journal of Automation and Computing 8 (4), 411-420. |
Optimizing of ANFIS for estimating INS error during GPS outages, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 34 (7), 967-982. |
Wavelet-based pre-filtering for low cost inertial sensors, Journal of Applied Sciences 10, 2217-2230 |
GPS/INS integration based on dynamic ANFIS network, International Journal of Control and Automation 5 (3), 1-22 |
Integration of global positioning system and inertial navigation system with different sampling rate using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system, Science Journal 7, 98-106 |
Implementation of an intelligent SINS navigator based on ANFIS, 2009 6th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, 1-7 |
GPS/INS System Integratin Based on Neuro-Wavelet Techniques., IC-AI 2, 446-452 |
Analysis of wavelet threshold de-noising for GPS/INS system, Proceedings of IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, 751-754 |
Intelligent identification system for tilt computation using low-cost inertial sensors, Journal of Artificial Intelligence(Faisalabad) 5 (1) |
Alternative Approach in an Integrated GPS/INS Navigation System Based on ANFIS, International Review of Automatic Control 3 (3), 324-337 |
A LabVIEW Based Counting Photons Existence in the Light, International Journal of Engineering and Technology 1 (1), 27-33 |
GPS/INS Integration for INS Error Estimation based on DNN, The second engineering conference of control, computers and mechatronics (ECCCM2). |
Optimized Performance of Consensus algorithm in Multi Agent System Using PSO SM Raafat, AM Hasan, TWA Khairi, KG Ali ALNAHRAIN JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING SCIENCES 21 (2), 292-299 |
Enhanced Performance of Consensus Wireless Sensor Controlled System via Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm K Ghalib, AM Hasan, SM Raafat Journal of Engineering 23 (9), 63-77 |
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits- First Year of undergraduate level.
Digital Logic Techniques – First Year of undergraduate level.
Engineering Mathematics- Third Year of undergraduate level.
Computer architecture - Third Year of undergraduate level.
Artificial Intelligence (Design Lab) - Fourth Year of undergraduate level.
Advanced Computer Architecture - Postgraduate level.