Saleem Khalefa Kadhim
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 2nd floor
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S. K. Kadhim PhD of Bio-Mechanical Engineering, Professor Institution and department University of Technology, Iraq, Department of Control and Systems Engineering Skills and expertise Vibration Analysis, Mathematical Biology, Aortic Valve Heart Valve Diseases, Modal Analysis, Finite Element Analysis Engineering, Applied and Computational Mathematics Finite Element Modeling, Vibration Testing Mathematical Modelling, Computational Mechanics, Stress Analysis, Solid Mechanics, Computational Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis, Mechanical Engineering.
University Technology PETRONAS, Mechanical Engineering, Malaysia, Degree awarded: Ph.D. In Mechanical Engineer, Biomechanical Eng. Dates: September 2013 – November 23, 2017 Principal subjects/skills: Artificial heart valve, Flow induced Vibration Thesis: Numerical and Experimental Investigation the Effect Flow-Induced Vibration on Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve.
University of Technology, Mech. Eng. Dept., Iraq Degree awarded: M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineer, Power Generation Dates: September 15, 2000- January 13, 2003 Principal subjects/skills: Aerodynamic Noise Dissertation: The effect of sponge density on over all sound pressure level.
University of Technology, Mech. Eng. Dept., Iraq Degree awarded: B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineer Dates: July 2, 2000 Principal subjects/skills: Aer conditioning and Refrigerant Final Year Project: The Effect of geometry forms a longitudinal tetrahedron cylinder with different slope angle on the free convection heat transfer coefficient
Artificial heart pump, Artificial heart valve, Adaptive Backstepping control, Sliding mode control, Theoretical and computational mechanic, fluid-solid interaction, Flow induced vibration, MEMS, Heat transfer.
SK Kadhim, MS Nasif, HH Al-Kayiem, R Al Waked “Using fluid structure interaction technique to investigate the effect of vibration on bileaflet mechanical heart valve” ARPN Journal, 2016. |
SK Kadhim, MS Nasif, HH Al-Kayiem, T Nagarajan “Numerical investigation on the effect of blood flow induced vibration on bileflet artificial heart valve by using fluid structure” ARPN Journal, 2017. |
SS Abbas, MS Nasif, MAM Said, SK Kadhim “Numerical investigation on effect of aortic root geometry on flow induced structural stresses developed in a bileaflet mechanical heart valve” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2017. |
SK Kadhim, MS Nasif, HH Al-Kayiem, R Al-Waked “Computational fluid dynamics simulation of blood flow profile and shear stresses in bileaflet mechanical heart valve by using monolithic approach” SIMULATION, 2017. |
MS Nasif, SK Kadhim, HH Al-Kayiem, R Al Waked “Using one way fluid structure interaction coupling to investigate the effect of blood flow on the bileaflet mechanical heart” ARPN Journal, 2016. |
SK Kadhim,. Experimental study of Sponge Density on overall Sound Level. J.of Eng. & Tech. University of Technology, 2003. |
SK Kadhim,. Experimental study for Temperature and Cavity Depth on overall Sound Pressure Level. J.of Eng. & Tech. University of Technology, 2004. |
SK Kadhim. Experimental study of Natural Convection Heat transfer from Inclined Longitudinal Fin. J.of Eng. & Tech. University of Technology, 2005. |
SK Kadhim,. heat transfer for longitudinal finned cylinder with different slope angle. J.of Eng. University of Baghdad, 2009. |
K. A. Alhussain, SK Kadhim .Estimating study for calculating electrical diesel generators emissions in the center of kut city. Wassit J.of Science & Medicine. University of Wassit, Vol.2, No.3, 2009. |
SK Kadhim. The Effect of geometry forms a longitudinal tirhedron cylinder with different slope angle on the free convection heat transfer coefficient. J.of Eng. & Tech. University of Technology, Vol.24, No.5, 2009. |
SK Kadhim,. Heat transfer from longitudinally finned cylinder with different inclination angles inside adiabatic duct. J.of Eng. & Tech. University of Technology, Vol.28, No.2, 2010. |
SK Kadhim,. The Effect Vertical Vibration on the Natural Coefficient of Heat Transfer from the longitudinally Finned Cylinder, University of Wasit Conference,2011. |
SK Kadhim, Position Control of Throttle Valve Angle Using Reinforcement Learning Control Strategy for Neural Network controller, University of Wasit Conference,2011. |
SK Kadhim, The Influence of Orientation on The Performance of Pin Finned Heated Plate Subjected to Natural Convection, Al-taqni journal, Vol.28, No.2, 2012. |
SK Kadhim, MS Nasif, HH Al-Kayiem, T Nagarajan”Effect of induced vibration on the blood flow properties in a mechanical aortic valve” MATEC Web of Conferences, 2014. |
SK Kadhim, MS Nasif” Experimental investigation of the effect vertical oscillation on the heat transfer coefficient of the finned tube” MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016. |
SS Abbas, MS Nasif, MAM Said, R Al-Waked, SK Kadhim “Numerical investigation on effect of leaflet thickness on structural stresses developed in a bileaflet mechanical heart valve for its sustainable manufacturing” MATEC Web of Conferences, 2017. |
SK Kadhim, SA Ali, N F D Razak, M S M Sani “Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Vertical Vibrations on The Heat Transfer Rate in Longitudinal Finned Tube”, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 2019. |
Raghda S Raheem, Mohammed Yousif Hassan, Saleem K. Kadhim, "Simulation Design of Blood-pump Intelligent Controller Based on PID-like fuzzy logic Technique", Journal of Engineering and Technology, University of Technology, August 2020 |
Mohammed Ghalib Al-Azawy, Saleem K. Kadhim, Azzam Sabah Hameed, "Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Blood Rheology Inside a Model of Stenosis" November 2020, CFD Letters Journal. |
Mohammed Y. Khudhair, Mohammed Yousif Hassan, and Saleem K. Kadhim, "Backstepping Control Strategy for Overhead Crane System" Journal of Engineering and Technology, University of Technology, 2020 |
Amjad J. Humaidi, Saleem Khalefa Kadhim and Ahmed Sharhan Gataa,” Development of a Novel Optimal Backstepping Control Algorithm of Magnetic Impeller-Bearing System for Artificial Heart Ventricle Pump”, Cybernetics and Systems, an international journal, 2020. |
Saleem K. Kadhim, Mohammed G. Al-Azawy, Sinan Abdul-Ghafar Ali, Mina Qays Kadhim, “The Influence of Non-Newtonian Model on Properties of Blood Flow Through a Left Coronary Artery with Presence of Different Double Stenosis” International Journal of Heat and Technology |
Saleem Khalefa Kadhim, Amjad J. Humaidi, and Ahmed Sharhan Gataa, Sliding Mode Control of Magnetic Suspended Impeller for Artificial Heart Pump” ISDA 2020 (20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications), 2021. |
AJ Humaidi, SK Kadhim, AS Gataa. Optimal Adaptive Magnetic Suspension Control of Rotary Impeller for Artificial Heart Pump. Cybernetics and Systems 53 (1), 141-167. 2022. |
MA Salman, SK Kadhim,. Optimal Backstepping Controller Design for Prosthetic Knee Joint. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 2022, 55 (1), 49-59. |
HS Majeed, SK Kadhim, AA Jaber, Design of a Sliding Mode Controller for a Prosthetic Human Hand’s Finger, Engineering and Technology Journal 40 (1), 257-266, 2022. |
Advanced Dynamics, Postgraduate (MSc), 2018- up to day.
Mechanical - Dynamics, undergraduate, 2017 - up to day.
Strength of materials &static's, undergraduate, 1st stage /2001 -2003/
Mechanical drawing, undergraduate, 1st stage /2001 - 2003/Mech. Eng. department.
Eng.Drawing, undergraduate, 2nd stage/2001 - 2003 / Mech. Eng. Department.
Thermodynamics’, undergraduate, 3rd stage/2004 - 2005/ Control and System Eng. Department.
Fluid and heat transfer, undergraduate, 3rd stage/ 2004 - 2005/Control System Eng. Department.
Strength of materials & static and Dynamic, undergraduate, 1st stage/ 2004 – 2013/ Control System Eng. Department.
Numerical Eng., undergraduate, 3rd stage / 2004-2007 / Control System Eng. Department.
Theory of machine &Vibration, undergraduate, 3rd stage / 2008-2010 / Control System Eng. Department.
Thermodynamic Laboratory, undergraduate, 3rd stages.
Fluid Laboratory, undergraduate, 2nd stages.
Fluid Laboratory, undergraduate, 3rd stages.
Heat Transfer Laboratory, undergraduate, 3rd stages.
Thermodynamic Laboratory, undergraduate, 2nd stages.