Abeer Fadhil Shimal Bash Agha
Control and Systems Engineering, 1st floor.
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Abeer Fadhil Shimal has graduated from the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology. she worked as assistant Lecturer in the same department from 2001 to 2011. she received her scientific promotion to be a university Lecturer in 2011. she was assigned as Rapporteur of the Committee for promotions 2009-2011, then Director of Laboratories 2011-2012, Head of absence committee 2015- 2017 and Rapporteur of Computer Eng Branch 2013 till 1-9-2018.
M.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq , 2001.
B.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 1993.
Programmable logic controllers’ applications, System Identification, Neural network,control theory, neuralcontrol, system modelling, adaptive control.
“Neural Controller for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot System Based on Position and Orientation Predictor”, Abeer Fadhil Shimal, 2011, IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, vol. 11, University of Technology. |
“Design of a PIC Based Dual Sensing Motion Detector”, Abeer Fadhil Shimal & Areej Alaa Hassen,2008, IJCCCE, vol. 8. |
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits- First undergraduate level.
System Identification- Third undergraduate level.