Hind Z. Khaleel
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 2nd floor
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Hind Z. Khaleel has graduated from the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology - Iraq. She worked as Assistant Lecturer in the same department from 2014 to 2018. She received her scientific promotion to be a university Lecturer in 2018. Hind is a lecturer currently works at Automation and Robotics Research Unit, Control and Systems Engineering Department, University of Technology - Iraq. Hind has many researches in mechatronics Engineering.
M.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2014.
B.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2007.
Robotics , Automation & Robotics, Mechatronics,Design and Implementation Mobile, Legged, Arms Robots, MATLAB, Image Processing & Vision, Path Planning robot, Artificial Intelligence such as Neural Network, Deep Learning, Genetic Algorithm, PSO.
Firas A Raheem, Hind Z. Khaleel, Mostafa K. Kashan, "Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Robotic Arm with Writing Ability Using Neural Networks",Al-Mansour Journal, Issue 34, Pages 1-15, 2020. |
Farah Fatehalla Shero, Ghassan Thabet Saeed Al-Ani, Ekhlas Jabbar Khadim ,and Hind Zuhair Khaleel, "Assessment of linear parameters of Electrohysterograph (EHG) in diagnosis of true labor", Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health,Volume 23, Issue 4, 2020. |
Hind Z. Khaleel, "Enhanced Solution of Inverse Kinematics for Redundant Robot Manipulator Using PSO", Engineering and Technology Journal, Volume 37, Part A, Issue 7, Pages 241-247, 2019. |
Firas A Raheem, Hind Z. Khaleel, Mostafa K. Kashan, "Robot Arm Design for Children Writing Ability Enhancement using Cartesian Equations based on ANFIS",Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineering (SCEE), IEEE, 2018. |
Hind Z. Khaleel, "Inverse Kinematics Solution for Redundant Robot Manipulator using Combination of GA and NN", Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Volume 14, Number 1, Pages 136-144, 2018. |
Firas A Raheem,Hind Z. Khaleel ,"Modified Stability Analyses for Hexapod Robot Path Planning on Inclined Plane", III International Scientific Conference for educators, scholars, undergraduates & PhD students of higher education establishments, At Novocherkassk, Russian Federation,Pages 75-80, 2016. |
Firas A Raheem, Hind Z. Khaleel, Ahmad Raoof,and Mohammed Noree,"Hexapod Robot Static Stability Analysis using Genetic Algorithm Simulation and Experimental Work",Al-Mansour University College/ Proceeding of 15th Scientific Conference 23-24 April,Pages 189-206, 2016. |
Firas A Raheem, Hind Z. Khaleel,"Hexapod Robot Static Stability Enhancement using Genetic Algorithm", Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Volume 11, Number 4, Pages 44-59, 2015. |
Firas A Raheem, Hind Z. Khaleel,"Static Stability Analysis of Hexagonal Hexapod Robot for the Periodic Gaits", IJCCCE, Volume 14, Issue 3,Pages 10-20, 2014. |
Biorobotics - Fourth undergraduate level.
Biomechanics - Fourth undergraduate level.
Robotics - Fourth undergraduate level.
Robotics Lab. - Fourth undergraduate level.
CC Lab. - Fourth undergraduate level.
Robotics Lab. - Postgraduate level.
Actuator Lab. - Postgraduate level.
DSP Lab. -Third undergraduate level.