Ashwaq Talib Hasim Taher
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 2rd floor
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Ashwaq Talib Hashim has graduated from Computer Science Department at the Baghdad University. She obtained M.Sc. from Computer Science, University of Basrah in 2003. She worked as Assistant Lecturer in the Control and Systems engineering department from 2003 to 2006. She received her scientific promotion to be a university Lecturer in 2006. And she received her scientific promotion to be an assistant professor in 2009. At 2014 she recieved a PhD degree from Babylon university-Iraq. .
PhD., Babylon University,Iraq, 2014.
M.Sc., Basrah University, Iraq, 2003.
B.Sc., Baghdad University, Iraq, 1995.
Information Security, Cryptography, Image Compression, Biometric Recognition System, Image processing.
Ashwaq T. Hashim, Bahaa D. Jalil, “Color Image Encryption Based on Chaotic Shit Keying with Lossless Compression”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 10 (6) |
Ashwaq T. Hashim, Ahmed M. Hasan, Hayder M. Abbas, “Design and Implementation of Proposed 320 Bit RC6-Cascaded Encryption/Decryption Cores on Altera FPGA, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 10 (6) |
Hala J Abdulwahid, Ashwaq T Hashim, Ahmed M Hassan, Segmentation Approach for a Noisy Iris Images Based on Block Statistical Parameters, 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1530 012021 |
A. H. Jassem, A. T. Hashim and S. A. Ali, "Enhanced Blowfish Algorithm for Image Encryption Based on Chaotic Map," 2019 First International Conference of Computer and Applied Sciences (CAS), Baghdad, Iraq, 2019, pp. 232-237, doi: 10.1109/CAS47993.2019.9075747. |
Ashwaq T. Hashim, Zina A. Saleh, Fast Iris Localization Based on Image Algebra and Morphological Operations, Journal of University of Babylon for Pure and Applied Sciences,Vol.(27), No.(2): 2019 |
Ashwaq T. Hashim, Suhad A. Ali, Reversible Multiple Image Secret Sharing using Discrete Haar Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2018. |
Ashwaq T. Hashim, Zina A. Saleh, Cryptography and CSK for Biometric Template Security, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13:7642-7647, 2018. |
Ashwaq Talib Hashim, Zaid Mundher Radeef Multiple Image Secret Sharing based on Linear System, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No.33, pp.1-17, 2017 |
Ashwaq T. Hashim,Yossra H. Ali, “Performance Enhancement of Image Encryption by Using BK-Cube Network Design, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13, 2018. |
Ashwaq Talib Hashim, Zaid Mundher Radeef, Proposed Pseudo Random Generator Based on RC5 Block Cipher,Iraqi Journal of Computers, Communication and Control & System Engineering (IJCCCE),2017 |
Ashwaq T. Hashim, Duaa A. Noori, Biometric Privacy Using Secret Image Sharing, Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 35, Part A. No. 7, 2017 |
Suhad A. Ali, Ashwaq T. Hashim,Wavelet transform based technique for text image localization, Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 138-144. |
Ashwaq Talib Hashim, Zaid Mundher Radeef , Correlated Block Quad-Tree Segmented and DCT based Scheme for Color Image Compression, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016. |
Ashwaq T. Hashim, & Noori, D. A. (2016, September). An Approach of Noisy Color Iris Segmentation Based on Hybrid Image Processing Techniques. In Cyberworlds (CW), 2016 International Conference on (pp. 183-188). IEEE. |
Ashwaq T. Hashim, Suhad Ahmed Ali, Color Image Compression Using DPCM with DCT, DWT and Quadtree Coding Scheme, Eng. &Tech. Journal, 2016. |
C++ language
Data structures
Data bases
Image processing
Operating Systems