Baydaa Hashim Helale
Control and Systems Engineering, 2nd floor
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Baydaa Hashim Helale has graduated from the Technical Educational/Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Technology. she worked as assistant Lecturer in the same department from 2000 to 2007, then from 2007 till now at control and systems engineering departement, she received her scientific promotion to be a university Lecturer in 2011. she was assigned as1- Determinant of computer branch Eng. - 2008-2011, 2- Manager of scientific commission - 2010-2015 and 3- Determinant of Medical System Control branch Eng. - 2016- 2019
M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2000.
B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 1992.
BER Improvement of IEEE 802.15.4 under Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel, International academy of science, technology, engineering and management (icraet) held in Berlin, Germany on 2-3 August 2019 |
Measurement of Encryption Quality of Bitmap Images with RC6, and two modified version Block Cipher, Eng. & Tech. Journal, |
Modified Method of Information Hiding Based on Hybrid Encryption and Steganography, the first Eng. Conference/ University of Technology/ Control and Systems Eng. Dep.2010. |
D.C. Machine - Second undergraduate level.
A.C. electrical machine-Second undergraduate level.
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits- First undergraduate level.
Dgital signal processing - Third undergraduate level.
Communication- Third undergraduate level.