Ekhlas Kadhum H amza
Control and Systems Engineering, second floor office
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Ekhals Kadhum Hamza. Received B.Sc. in electraicel engineering, 1990,from univesity of baghdad and M.Sc. in communcation ans space , 2000, from university of technology, Iraq. she received Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University Science Malaysia (USM), Malaysia in 2011, . Currently, she is a senior lecturer in control and systems engineering department at University of Technology, Baghdad . Her main research interests lie in the area of communications and networking, including LTE system communications and networking, SDN platform, wireless sensor, Sofd defined radio , cognitive radio , FPGA , optical communcation, DSP .
PhD., electrical and electroinc enginerring , univesoty scince of malysia , malysia, 2011.
M.Sc., communcation and space , Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2000.
B.Sc., electrical enginerring , university of baghdad , Iraq, 1990.
communcation , digital signal procesding , wierless sensor networks , FPGA, softdefined radio , cognitive radio , optical communcation.
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits,Fundamentals of mesurement - First undergraduate level.
Digital electroinc – fourth undergraduate level.
Engineering Mathematics-fiest undergraduate level.
communcation - Third undergraduate level.
DSP - Third undergraduate level.
wierless network , advanced micrprocessing , parallel processing -postgrdude level