Mina Qays Kadhim Ali
Control and Systems Engineering, 3rd floor
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Mina Qays Kadhim has graduated from the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology has been awarded the B. Sc. in computer Engineering. In 2005, she has been awarded the M. Sc. in Control Engineering from the same department at 2008 . She worked as an Assistant Lecturer in the same department from 2008 to 2017. She received her scientific promotion to be a university Lecturer in 2017. At 2020 she was assigned as the Coordinator of the department that she wiks in.
M.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2008.
B.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2005.
Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Sliding Mode Control, Artificial Pancreas and Glycemia Regulation of Type 1 Diabetes. Intillegent control , backstepping control , model predective control.
Mina Qays Kadhim and Mohammed Y Hassan 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 881 012128, Design and optimization of backstepping controller applied to autonomous quadrotor |
Mina Qays Kadhim Design and Simulation of Type two fuzzy Logic based PD controller for Variable Speed Rotation Active Magnetic Bearing System Subject to Random Disturbance, Iraqi Journal of computers, communication and control& systems engineering IJCCCE |
M. Q. Kadhim, S. M. Raafat and T. MohammadRidha, “Receding Horizon Control of an Active Magnetic Bearings System via Model Predictive Control”, The Second Engineering Conference of Control, Computers and MechatronicsEngineering (ECCCM2 2014), Baghdad, Iraq, 2014. |
T. MohammadRidha, M. Q. Kadhim and S. M. Mahdi, “Back stepping-Based-PID-Controller Designed for an Artificial Pancreas model”, Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, PP 54-60, Baghdad, 2011. |
Farazdaq R. Yassien , Mina Qays Kadhim " Chattering Attenuation of Sliding Mode Controller Using Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic Techniques"Journal of Engineering and Technology 2009 |
Electrical circuits
Logic and digital techniques
Discrete Mathematics