Shibly Ahmed Hameed
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 3rd floor
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Shibly A. Al-Samarraie received his BS and MS degrees from Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq, and PhD degree from the University of Baghdad, all in Mechanical Engineering, in 1993, 1996, and 2007, respectively. Since 2005, he has been with the University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, where he is currently an Assistant Professor in the Control and Systems Engineering Department. He has authored more than 40 journal articles and conference papers. His research interests include sliding mode control, sliding mode observer, nonlinear control, vibration control and the application of nonlinear control to electromechanical systems.
PhD., Mechanical Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq, 2007.
M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq, 1996.
B.Sc.,Mechanical Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq, 1993.
Sliding mode control, Sliding mode observer, Nonlinear control, Vibration control and the application of nonlinear control to electromechanical systems.
Design of a Sliding Mode Controller for the TORA System Journal of Engineering Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 5588-5605; 2010 |
Differential Flatness Condition for a 2DOF Underactuated Mechanical System, The Scientific Conference for College of Engineering -University of Baghdad 2009 |
"Design of a Nonlinear Robust Controller for Vibration Control of a Vehicle Suspension System, Engineering & Technology Journal Volume: 29 Issue: 11 Pages: 2259-2273, 2011" |
"Design of a Continuous Sliding Mode Controller for the Electronic Throttle Valve System,Journal of Engineering, Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Pages: 859-871; 2011 " |
"Design of a Nonlinear Speed Controller for a DC Motor System with Unknown External Torque Based on Backstepping Approach, IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS,COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-19, 2012 " |
Vibration Analysis and Control of a Cantilever Beam Using Smart Materials, Journal of Engineering, Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 82-95, 2013 |
Design of Electronic Throttle Valve Position Control System Using Nonlinear PID Controller, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 59– No.15.2012 |
Invariant Sets in Sliding Mode Control Theory with Application to Servo Actuator System with Friction, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL Issue 2, Volume 8,2013 |
MANIFOLD BASED CONTROLLER (MBC) DESIGN FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 8, No. 6 (2013) 723 - 740 © School of Engineering, Taylor’s University 2013 |
"Sliding Mode Controller Design for a Crane Container System,IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL & SYSTEMS; IJCCCE Vol.14, No.1, 2014" |
"Electronic Throttle Valve Control Design Based on Sliding Mode Perturbation Estimator, The Second Engineering Conference of Control, Computers and Mechatronics Engineering (ECCCM2, 2014) Republic of Iraq-University of Technology-Control and Systems Engineering Department |
"Full Order Sliding Mode Control Design for Vehicle ABS System,The Second Engineering Conference of Control, Computers and Mechatronics Engineering (ECCCM2, 2014) Republic of Iraq-University of Technology-Control and Systems Engineering Department |
"Nonlinear Controller Design for a Mobile Manipulator Trajectory Tracking, The Second Engineering Conference of Control, Computers and Mechatronics Engineering (ECCCM2, 2014) Republic of Iraq-University of Technology-Control and Systems Engineering Department |
"Modeling and Control of Flat Mechanical Systems Underactuated by One Control, The Second Engineering Conference of Control, Computers and Mechatronics Engineering (ECCCM2, 2014) Republic of Iraq-University of Technology-Control and Systems Engineering Department |
"Unity Sliding Mode Controller Design for Active Magnetic Bearings System, Journal of Engineering, Number 6, Volume 21 Baghdad University 2015 " |
"Integral Sliding Mode Control Design for Electronic Throttle Valve System, Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, P.P. 1- 10, 215 " |
"Sliding Mode Control for Electro-Hydraulic Servo System, IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL & SYSTEMS, IJCCCE Vol.15, No.3, 2015" |
"Sliding Mode Controller for Electromechanical System with Chattering Attenuation,Al-Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.18 No.2, pp.208 - 218, 2015" |
Vehicle ABS control system design via integral sliding mode, Int. J. of Automation and Control 2016 |
Vibration Suppression Control for a Flexible Beam with Sliding Mode Observer, Al-Nahrain University, College of Engineering Journal (NUCEJ) Vol.9, No.2, pp.327 - 341, 2016 |
Nonlinear Integral Control Design for DC Motor Speed Control with Unknown and Variable External Torque, Journal of Engineering and Development Vol. 20, No. 04, 2016 |
"Sliding Mode Vibration Suppression Control Design for a Smart Beam, Journal of Engineering, Baghdad University, Journal of Engineering Number 9 Volume 22, 2016 |
"High Order Sliding Mode Observer-Based Output Feedback Controller Design For Electro-Hydraulic System, Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal,Vol. 12, No. 4 pp. 1-1, 2016" |
"Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller for Servo Actuator System with Friction, Journal of Engineering Number 1 Volume 23 Pages: 85-102, 2017" |
"Active Vibration Suppression of Smart Cantilever Beam with Sliding Mode Observer Using Two Piezoelectric Patches, Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal,Vol. 13, No. 1, P.P. 50-65, 2017" |
"Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Robotic System with Unknown Deadzone and LuGre friction, 1st International Conference on Recent Trends of Engineering Sciences and Sustainability, 2017" |
"Sliding Mode Control with Differentiator for Magnetic Levitation System,2nd -Al-Sadiq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science and Technologies, 2017" |
"Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Magnetic levitation system, Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES) Vol.21 No.2, pp.266-274, 2018" |
"Backstepping Nonlinear Control for Blood Glucose Based on Sliding Mode Meal Observer, Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES) Vol.21 No.3, pp.436-444, 2018" |
"Variable Structure Control Design for a Magnetic Levitation System, Journal of Engineering Number 12 Volume 24 December 2018" |
"Robust Adaptive Sliding Mode Controller For a Nonholonomic Mobile Platform, Journal of Engineering Number 8 Volume 25 August 2019" |
"Output Feedback Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Design for a Plate Heat Exchanger, Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES) Vol.21 No.04, pp.549-555, 2018" |
A Chattering Free Sliding Mode Observer with Application to DC Motor Speed Control, THIRD SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Sponsored by IEEE IRAQ Section,December 19-20, 2018 |
Robust Velocity Control for Cam Mechanisms Driven by DC Motor, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. 13, N. 9. September 2019 |
"Simple Flatness Condition for 2DOF Underactuated Mechanical Systems with Application to Controller Design, Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems, Vol. 7. No. 1, March, 2020, pp. 119-122, 2020" |
"An integral sliding mode control for the magnetic levitation system based on backstepping approach, 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020). IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012136" |
Robust Controller Design for Flexible Joint Based on Back-Stepping Approach, IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL & SYSTEMS, IJCCCE Vol.20, No.2, 2020 |
Enginerring Mathematics 3rd Year of undergraduate level.
Linear Algebra 3rd Year of undergraduate level.
Mathematics Graduate level
Nonlinear Control System Graduate level.
Backstepping and Sliding mode control Labs- Fourth Year ofundergraduate level.