Farazdaq Rafeeq Yasien Mohammed
Control and Systems Engineering, 2nd floor
Assistant Professor
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Farazdaq R. Yasien has graduated from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department at Al-Rasheed College of Engineering and Science. He worked in electrical machine laboratory from 1986 to 1992. He accepted to study in MSc control engineering from 1993 to 1995. He was a PhD student in control engineering from 1998 to 2003. He worked in Electrical and Electronics Engineering department till 2007. Then he works in Control and Systems Engineering Department/university of Technology as a PhD lecturer.
PhD., Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, University of Technology, Iraq, 2003.
M.Sc., Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, University of Technology, Iraq, 1995.
B.Sc., Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, University of Technology, Iraq, 1986.
State Estimation and Kalman Filtering, Intelligent Control of Electrical Drives, Flight Control and Guidance systems,Optimal Control.
Usama Yasien Mahmoud, Farazdaq R. Yasien, and Taghreed M. Mohammad "Sliding Mode Control For Gust Responses In Tall Building" , Eng.&Tech.Journal,Vol.27, No.5, 2009 |
Farazdaq R. Yasien and Mina Q. Kadhim "Chattering Attenuation of Sliding Mode Controller Using Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic Techniques" Eng. & Tech. Journal ,Vol.27, No.14,2009 |
Farazdaq R. Yasien "Improving the Accuracy of Static Relative GPS Positioning using Genetic Algorithm", Eng. And Tech. Journal Vol.28, No.21, 2010 |
Farazdaq R. Yasien and Zaid M. Khudher "Design of Fuzzy-Like Position Controller for Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor", IJCCCE Vol.16, No.1, 2016 |
Ali H. Ahmad, Farazdaq R. Yasien and Ahmed S. Abdullah, "Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Controller", ASRJETS Vol.26, No.4, pp 17-29 , 2016 |
Farazdaq Rafeeq Yasien and Roaa Abbas, "Design New control System for Brushless DC motor Using SVPWM ", International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Vol.13, No. 1 (2018) |
Farazdaq R. Yasien, Mustafa S. Ali," Performance Comparison between Conventional PI and PI-Like Fuzzy Speed Controller for Three Phase Induction Motor",ASRJETS 2313-4410, 2018 |
Farazdaq R.Yaseen,Hala W. Khalid, "Sensorless Speed Estimation of Permanat Magnet Synchronous Motor Using EKF ", IJCCCE, Vol.18 No.1 , May 2018 |
Farazdaq R.Yaseen,Walaa H. Nasser,"Design Of Speed Controller For Three Phase Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Approach",IJCCCE, Vol. 18, No. 3, December 2018 |
Farazdaq R.Yaseen,Walaa H. Nasser,"Speed Controller of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Sliding Mode Controller ", IJCCCE, Vol.19 No.1 , January 2019 |
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits- First undergraduate level.
Control Engineering – Second & Third under graduating Levels
Electrical Machines – Second & Third under graduating Levels
8086 microprosessor - second undergraduate level
Mesurement Systems - second under graduating Level
Power Electronics – Third & Fourth undergraduate levels & MSc Level
Computer Control Engineering - Fourth undergraduate Level and MSc Level
Modern Control Engineering - MSc Level
Optimal Control Engineering _ MSc Level
Modeling and control of Electrical Drives - MSc Level