vision,mission and objectives
Our Mission : Preparing specialized engineering staff capable of serving the community efficiently and contributing to technological development, and seeking international accreditation. Our Vision : To have a department characterised by creativity and leadership in the field of control and systems engineering. Objectives : 1. Providing students with the foundations of knowledge in the disciplines of control and systems engineering. 2. Developing the analytical, creative and professional capabilities of students. 3. Preparing qualified engineers to accommodate the responsibilities to be faced in the workplace. 4. Extending the practical experience and in-field training for students. 5. Improving communication, presentation and teamwork skills. 6. Motivating the faculty and students towards scientific research for serving the community. 7. Keeping pace with the scientific development in the world by continuously updating the study plan and to serve to achieve quality and then international accreditation. 8. Acquiring feedback from the students and alumni in order to achieve the objectives of the department. 9. Developing and expanding postgraduate programs in the specialities of the department to meet the needs of the community and industry.