The Control and Systems Engineering Department Holds its Fourth Sports Festival for Motor Games

  Under the slogan (Towards the Goal), the department held its fourth sports festival for motor games on Wednesday, 21/2/2024, with the support and presence of the honorable President of the University, (Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghabban). In cooperation with the Department of Student Activities and the (Iraqiya Here) team, this festival was held at the university stadium with the participation of three teams, including the Control and Systems Engineering Team - University of Technology, the College of Engineering Team - Iraqi University, and the College of Science Team - Al-Mustansiriya University. The competition among the three teams and the scoring of points were very close in the sections of the festival, which included group movement games, and the Mustansiriya University team won the championship cup. The team leaders expressed their gratitude for the good organization of the festival and the enjoyment of the students, along with the audience who came to support their teams. The goal of this festival, which is organized by the Control and Systems Engineering Department every year, is to enhance the spirit of teamwork and cooperation to achieve the goal, as well as to alleviate the academic burden of students away from school, as stated by Prof. Dr. Azad Raheem (Head of the Control and Systems Engineering Department) in an interview with him. On this occasion, we congratulate all the participating teams and the winning team.












