Master's Thesis Discussion

  The master’s thesis of the student (Heba Ali Ahmed), majoring in (Computer Engineering), was discussed on Sunday, 3/3/2024, in the discussion room (Hall No. 9) at the Control and Systems Engineering Department. The thesis title is “Intelligent Emergency Auto-car-stop System”

The discussion committee consisted of:

- Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Tawfiq / Chairman

- Asst. Prof. Dr. Ikhlas Kadhum Hamza / Member

- Lect. Dr. Qusay Fadhil Hassan / Member

- Prof. Dr. Muayad Sadiq Crook / Member and Supervisor

- Lect. Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Noman / Member and Supervisor

This thesis presents an innovative and integrated approach to enhancing road safety by designing an intelligent system using deep learning that contains two convolutional neural networks, the first network is to recognize the driver’s face before starting to drive to allow only authorized drivers to continue driving, and the second network is to monitor the state of awareness of the authorized driver while driving to alert him/her in drowsiness cases, in addition to declaring an emergency state and automatically stopping the car if the driver does not respond to the audio alert. This research presents a powerful and effective system that combines facial recognition and drowsiness detection in real time to ensure the safety and attention of drivers. The integration of advanced deep learning models and the cost-effective implementation on Raspberry Pi and the comprehensive sensors contribute to enhance road safety and prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue. On this occasion, we congratulate the student (Heba Ali Ahmed) and wish her continued success.








