Master's Thesis Discussion

The master's thesis of the student Suha Salman Hussein, specialized in Control Engineering, was discussed on Sunday 2/10/2022 at Hall No.9 in the Department of Control and Systems Engineering. Her research was entitled: Integral Sliding Mode Control for Seismic Effects Regulation on Building The Discussion Committee consisted of:

1- Prof. Dr. Amjad Jalil Hamidi / Chairman.

2- Asst. Prof. Dr. Ikhlas Hamid Karim / Member.

3- Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Hammoudi / Member.

4- Lect. Dr. Taghreed Mohamed Mohamed-Reza / Member and Supervisor.

Due to the constant rise in population around the world, the need for multi-storey buildings is increasing. These high-rise buildings are more sensitive to seismic effects than traditional buildings. Therefore, such buildings must be able to resist seismic influences to protect people and the contents of the building. The goal is to reduce the displacement caused by seismic vibrations to an acceptable safe range to make these buildings as safe and comfortable as possible for their inhabitants and with the least possible energy. Three types of controllers are designed to minimize seismic impact: the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) Algorithm, the Integrated Sliding Mode Control (ISMC) Algorithm, and the Integrated Control Algorithm based on the Barrier Function (ISMCbf) to operate the dampers due to their sobriety. Two types of dampers (active and semi-active) were selected and compared under the influence of the same controller. ISMCbf has, in addition to all the known benefits of ISMC, a major advantage that it does not need prior knowledge of the upper limit of turbulence or uncertainty.Moreover, ISMCbf is continuous which means that it does not need any kind of approximation to avoid the phenomenon of high-frequency oscillations caused by the non-continuous part of SMC and ISMC. A semi-active damper (MRD) was chosen to equip the necessary forces under the control of ISMCbf. It was concluded that the use of ISMCbf with an MRD damper can reduce displacement by 86% in the case of a semi-active damper while an active damper has reduced displacement by 54%. Energy was reduced by 56% compared to the active damper. The discussion was attended by the Assistant Head of the Department for Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies Prof. Dr. Mohammed Yousef Hassan. On this occasion, we congratulate the student Suha Salman Hussein and wish her continued success.





