The Control and Systems Engineering Department Organizes a Scientific Visit to the Information Technology Center at the University of Technology.  

The Control and Systems Engineering Department organized a scientific visit, in cooperation with the Information Technology Center, to the Networks Department at the aforementioned center on Thursday, 28/3/2024. The center was introduced by Asst. Lect. Muthanna Ali Kazem, who gave an introductory lecture that lasted two hours. The visit covered an explanation of the optical fibers used to connect networks, including the optical cable and its wide applications in various fields. In addition, the visit covered a practical explanation of how to connect various devices, such as routers and servers, to the network. The visit was conducted under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Farah Falih Hassan, Asst. Lect. Nibras Zayer Saleh, Asst. Lect. Maha Youssef Hassan, and Asst. Lect. Marwa Fadel Jassim, and was attended by third-year students from the Mechatronics Engineering Department.




