Azhar Jabbar Abdulridha
Control and Systems Engineering Dpt., 2nd floor
Assistant Lecturer
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Azhar Jabbar Abdulridha has graduated from the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology. She worked as Engineer in the same department from 2011 to 2015. She was accepted in the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of a M.Sc. student in September 2015 untile July 2016 and complet Msc acadimic curses. At September 2016 , she enterd to acadimic reserch under the supervision of Dr. Hazem Ibrahim Ali untile September 2018 when she received her M.Sc. degree. She returned to the Control and Systems Engineering Department to work as a Assist. lecturer.
M.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2018.
B.Sc., Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2009.
Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Robust Control,H-infinity, Sliding Mode Control,Human Walking Leg System ,Optimal Control System.
Hazem I. Ali, Azhar J. Abdulridha," H-infinity Based Full State Feedback Controller Design for Human Swing Leg",Engineering and Technology Journal,2018, Volume 36, Issue 3 Part (A) Engineering, Pages 350-357 |
Ali, H., & Abdulridha, A. (2018). State Feedback Sliding Mode Controller Design for Human Swing Leg System. Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 21(1), 51-59. |
Ali, H., Abdulridha, A., Khaleel, R., & Hussein, K. (2020). LQR/Sliding Mode Controller Design Using Particle Swarm Optimization for Crane System. Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 23(1), 45-50. |
Ali, H., & Abdulridha, A. (2020). H-infinity Sliding Mode Controller Design for a Human Swing Leg System. Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences, 23(2), 117-126. |
Engineering Drawing and Auto CAD- First undergraduate level.
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits LAB- First undergraduate level.
Control System LAB– Second undergraduate level.
Control System LAB- Third undergraduate level.
Control System Design LAB– Thirdundergraduate level.
Control System LAB– Fourth undergraduate level.
Digital Control System– Fourth undergraduate level.
Computer Control System LAB – Fourth undergraduate level.