Haider Daami Resin Albonda
Control and Systems Engineering, 2rd floor
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Haider D. Resin Albonda received his B.Sc. degree in Electronic and communication Engineering from University of Baghdad, Iraq, in 2006, and his M.Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from KCL, UK, in 2013. In 2007, he has been with several companies and associations, as a senior engineer where he supervised many projects on oil and environmental monitoring systems. From September 2013 to November 2014, he was a lecturer assistant with the University of Anglia, UK. Since 2014, he has been a lecturer with Control and System Engineering Department, Baghdad University of Technology, Iraq. He holds a Ph.D. in Information and Communications Technologies Engineering from Barcelona Tech University (UPC) with Honors and Distinction. His current research interests include 5G technologies, heterogeneous wireless networks, cognitive radio networks, radio resource management, vehicular communication networks.
PhD.,Information and Communications Technologies Engineering , Barcelon Tech.
M.Sc.,Communication Engineering, UCL, UK.
B.Sc.,Communication Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
5G technologies, heterogeneous wireless networks, cognitive radio networks, radio resource management, vehicular communication networks
" Haider D. Resin Albonda Jordi Pérez-Romero , “Analysis of RAN Slicing for Cellular V2X and Mobile Broadband Services Based on Reinforcement Learning”, EAI endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum, vol. 4,issue 13, pp. 1- 11, Mar. 2020. " |
"Haider D. Resin Albonda Jordi Pérez-Romero , “A New Mode Selection and Resource Reuse Strategy for V2X in Future Cellular Networks”, IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC202, Antwerp, Belgium, May.2020." |
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"Haider D. Resin Albonda Jordi Pérez-Romero , “An Efficient RAN Slicing Strategy for a Heterogeneous Network With eMBB and V2X Services”, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 44771 - 44782, Mar. 2019. " |
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"Haider Daami R. Albonda, J. Pérez-Romero, “Reinforcement Learning-based Radio Access Network Slicing for a 5G System with Support for Cellular V2X”`. International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM), Poznan, Poland. 2019. " |
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"5- Haider Daami R. Albonda, J. Pérez-Romero, ``An Efficient Mode Selection for improving Resource Utilization in Sidelink V2X Cellular Networks. IEEE (CAMAD) workshops. Barcelona, Spain, Sep. 2018. " |
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"Sufian Yousef, Haider Albonda, Shashikala Tapaswi, Michael Cole & Sanjeev Deshmukh, The impact of mobility and node capacity on voice traffic International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management volume 8, pages1374–1382 (2017) " |
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" Haider D. Albonda; Sufian Yousef, Multi-carrier coded division multiple access multiplexing against multi-path fading, International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, 2014 Vol.6 No.2 " |
Advanced Computer Architecture
Electronic Circuits Design
Computer Networks
Fundamentals of Communication
Electronic Physics
Digital Signal Processing