Abbas H. Issa
Control and Systems Engineering
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Abbas H. Issa holds a degree of Ph.D. in Control and Automation Engineering from University of Technology (Al Rasheed Collage), Iraq in 2002. He also received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Nuclear Engineering) from Baghdad University, Iraq in 1989 and 1995, respectively. He is currently an assistance professor at Control and Systems Engineering Department in University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq since September 2007 until 2023. His research includes adaptive control, optimal control, Robotic, fault tolerant control, intelligent control and robust control. He has published over 32 papers in international journals and conferences.
PhD. Control and Automation Engineering, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2002
M.Sc., Nuclear Engineering Department, Univ. of Baghdad, Iraq, 1995
B.Sc., Nuclear Engineering Department, Univ. of Baghdad, Iraq, 1989
Adaptive control
optimal control
fault tolerant control
intelligent control and robust control
Issa, A. H., Ghayyib, S. M., & Ezzulddin, A. S. (2015). Toward a fully integrated 2.4 GHz differential pair class-E power amplifier using on-chip RF power transformers for Bluetooth systems. AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 69(1), 182-187 |
Abood, L. H., Karam, E. H., & Issa, A. H. (2018, December). FPGA implementation of single neuron PID controller for depth of anesthesia based on PSO. In 2018 Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineering (SCEE) (pp. 247-252). IEEE |
Hattim, L., Karam, E. H., & Issa, A. H. (2018). Implementation of self tune single neuron PID controller for depth of anesthesia by FPGA. In New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications: Third International Conference, NTICT 2018, Baghdad, Iraq, October 2–4, 2018, Proceedings 3 (pp. 159-170). Springer International Publishing |
Abed, A. M., Gitaffa, S. A., & Issa, A. H. (2021). Quadratic support vector machine and K-nearest neighbor based robust sensor fault detection and isolation. Eng. Technol. J, 39(5A), 859-869 |
Reem, R. I., Saad, M. A., & Abbas, H. I. (2018). FPGA Cyclone II Based the Mobile Robot Control System 2018 Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineering (SCEE). University of Technology |
Abed, A. M., Gitaffa, S. A., & Issa, A. H. (2021). Robust geophone string sensors fault detection and isolation using pattern recognition techniques based on Raspberry Pi4. Mater. Today Proc S |
Issa, A. H., Humod, A. T., & Gitaffa, S. A. (2021). FPGA implementation of reconfigurable intelligent controller for mobile robot. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 44 (1), 254-264 |
Abood, L. H., Karam, E. H., & Issa, A. H. (2019). Design of adaptive neuro sliding mode controller for anesthesia drug delivery based on biogeography based optimization. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, 9(42), 146-155 |
Issa, A. H. (2019). A Hybrid Neural-Fuzzy Network Based Fault Detection and Isolation System for DC Motor of Robot Manipulator. Engineering and Technology Journal, 37(8 Part A) |
Abd, A. N., & Issa, A. H. (2018). Adaptive Inverse Neural Network Based DC Motor Speed and Position Control Using FPGA. Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, 71-78 |
Hadi, M. H., Issa, A. H., & Sabri, A. A. (2023). Improvement of salp swarm algorithm (SSA2) for intelligent fault detection in smart wireless sensor networks. Materials Today: Proceedings, 80, 3322-3327 |
Al-Rikabi, H. M., & Issa, A. H. (2018). FPGA based intelligent FDI system for proton exchange membrane fuel cell PEMFC. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 9(4), 353-362 |
Ibrahim, E. K., Issa, A. H., & Gitaffa, S. A. (2022). Optimization and performance analysis of fractional order PID controller for DC motor speed control. Journal Européen des Systémes Automatisés, 55(6), 741 |
Issa, A. H., Gitaffa, S. A., & Al-Saffar, Y. S. (2022). Developing the Health Care System for Smart Drugstore Based on the IoT and the Embedded System. Iraqi Journal of Industrial Research, 9(1), 12-30 |
Wheed, A., & Issa, A. H. (2021). FPGA implementation of modified reconfigurable adaptive gain scheduling controller. Engineering and Technology Journal, 39(7), 1105-1116 |
Hadi, M. H., Issa, A. H., & Sabri, A. A. (2021). Design and FPGA implementation of intelligent fault detection in smart wireless sensor Networks. Engineering and Technology Journal, 39(4A), 653-662 |
Hasan, T. T., & Issa, A. H. (2020, November). Human Facial Aggressive Detection System Based on Facial-Width-to-Height Ratio. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 978, No. 1, p. 012046). IOP Publishing |
Waheed, A. R., Issa, A. H., & Hassan, M. Y. (2020, July). Modified inverse neural controller using adaptive gain factor for DC motor. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 881, No. 1, p. 012123). IOP Publishing |
Waheed, A. R., Issa, A. H., & Hassan, M. Y. (2020, May). A Modified Method of an Inverse Neural and Adaptive Correction Factor for Speed Control of DC Motor. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1530, No. 1, p. 012004). IOP Publishing |
Hadi, M. H., Issa, A. H., & Sabri, A. A. (2020). Design and Simulation of Intelligent Fault Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks. Solid State Technology, 2499-2507 |
Mutashar, S., & Issa, A. H. (2018). Efficient power transmission system using mesh & reflected impedance coupling methods for medical implants. ARPN journal of Engineering and Applied Sciencs, 13(21), 8515-8521 |
Issa, A. H., & Hadi, H. M. Intelligent Fault Detection for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell PEMFC Based on Artificial Neural Network ANN. In Al-Mansour University College/Proceeding of 15th Scientific Conference (pp. 207-218) |
Issa, A. H. (2015). Artificial Neural Networks Based Fingerprint Authentication. Eng. and Tech. Journal, 33 |
Mahdi, M. A., Gittaffa, S. A., & Issa, A. H. (2022). Multiple Fault Detection and Smart Monitoring System Based on Machine Learning Classifiers for Infant Incubators Using Raspberry Pi 4. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 55(6) |
Al-Obaidi, I. N., & Issa, A. H. (2016). Medical Oven Temperature Control Based On Soft Computing Techniques. Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences, 71-80 |
H Issa, A., & Z Ahmed, B. (2016). Intelligent Monitoring for DC Motor Performance Based on FPGA. Engineering and Technology Journal, 34(13A), 2490-2499 |
Issa, A. H., Ezzulddin, A. S., & Ghayyib, S. M. (2014). A 2.4 GHz Differential Class-E power Amplifier with on-chip Transformers for Bluetooth systems. Engineering and Technology Journal, 32(7 Part (A) Engineering). |
Issa, A. H., & Majeed, A. H. (2012). Intelligent sensor fault detection based on soft computing. Kufa Journal of Engineering, 4(1). |
Mahdi, M. A., Issa, A. H., & Gitaffa, S. A. (2023, September). Machine learning techniques based data-driven fault detection of multiple transducers. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2804, No. 1). AIP Publishing |
Issa, A. H., Mahmood, S. A., Humod, A. T., & Ameen, N. M. (2023). Robustness enhancement study of augmented positive identification controller by a sigmoid function. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 12(2), 686 |
AL-Saffar, Y. S., Gitaffa, S. A., & H Issa, A. (2023). Design and Implement the Innovative Drugstore for Health Care Services Based on Health Mobile Applications and Advanced IoT. Engineering and Technology Journal, 41(2), 407-417 |
Gitaffa, S. A., Issa, A. H., & Ibrahem, Y. N. (2022). Deep Neural Network Technique Based Field Digitizing Units (FDUs) Instruments Fault Detection and Isolation. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 55(5) |
Hadi, M. H., Issa, A. H., & Sabri, A. A. (2022). Modified Salp Swarm Optimization Algorithm (MSSOA) based Implementation of Intelligent Fault Detection and Isolation System for Smart Wireless Sensor Network. Webology, 19(1), 419-433 |
Issa, A. H., Gitaffa, S. A., & Humod, A. T. (2021, August). FPGA Realization of ANFIS Controller Using a Proposed Digital Design. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1973, No. 1, p. 012019). IOP Publishing |
Waheed, A. R., Issa, A. H., & Hassan, M. Y. (2020, May). A Modified Method of an Inverse Neural and Adaptive Correction Factor for Speed Control of DC Motor. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1530, No. 1, p. 012004). IOP Publishing |
Issa, A. H., & Baqir, H. F. (2014). FAULT DETECTION AND ISOLATION BASED ON HYBRID SLIDING MODE OBSERVER and FUZZY LOGIC. Kufa Journal of Engineering, 6(1) |
Engineering Analysis - Third Year of the Undergraduate Study
Control Engineering - Third Year of the Undergraduate Study.
Intelligent Instrumentation – MSc Postgraduate Study.
Advanced Control Engineering – PhD. Postgraduate Study.
Large Scale Control Systems - PhD. Postgraduate Study.