Ali Majeed Mahmood
Control and Systems Engineering, 1st floor
Assistant professor
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Ali Majeed Mahmood received the BSc degree in computer engineering from the University of Technology-Baghdad in 2005, and the MSc degree in computer engineering from Al-Nahrain University in 2010. He received the Ph.D. degree in wireless telecommunications from the University of Salford in the UK in 2018. His research interests include IoT, WSNs, cellular networks, scalability, computational complexity minimization, end-to-end latency in 5G communication networks and beyond.
PhD.,School of Computing, Science and Engineering, Uni. of Salford, United Kingdom, 2018.
M.Sc.,Computer Engineering, Al- Nahrain Uni., Iraq, 2010.
B.Sc.,Control and Systems, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2005.
His research interests include scalability of mobile networks, queuing theory, minimizing the computational complexity and end-to-end latency in the next generation 5G networks, application of control systems in computer networks. Deep learning and Machine Learning, WSNs and Cloud computing.
Naser Al-Falahy, Mohammed AlMahamdy, Ali M Mahmood, “Performance Analysis of Millimeter Wave 5G Networks for Outdoor Environment: Propagation Perspectives”.AUS Journal 2020. |
AM Mahmood, A Al-Yasiri, OY Alani, “Cognitive Neural Network Delay Predictor for High Speed Mobility in 5G C-RAN Cellular Networks”, IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), 2018. |
AM Mahmood, A Al-Yasiri, OY Alani, “Latency reduction by dynamic channel estimator selection in C-RAN networks using fuzzy logic”, Elsevier / Computer Networks Journal, 2018. |
AM Mahmood, A Al-Yasiri, OYK Alani, “A new processing approach for reducing computational complexity in cloud-RAN mobile networks”, IEEEACCESS, 2017. |
AM Mahmood, A Al-Yasiri, “Scalable processing in 5G 6 cloud-RAN networks using MapReduce framework”, 8th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies and Mobility, 2016 |
SM Raafat, SA Al-Samarraie, AM Mahmood, “ Unity Sliding Mode Controller Design for Active Magnetic Bearings System”,Journal of Engineering, 2015. |
HI Ali, YK Abbas, AM Mahmood, “PSO Based PID Controller Design for a Precise Tracking of Two-Axis Piezoelectric Micro Positioning Stage”,Engineering and Technology Journal, 2013. |
S Qaraawy, H Ali, A Mahmood “Particle swarm optimization based robust controller for congestion avoidance in computer networks”,International Conference, 2012. |
AM Mahmood, “Design of ON-Line Tuned Idle Speed Controller 11 for an Automotive Engine Using NCD”, Iraqi Journal of Computers, 2012. |
Mohammed Z. Al-Faiz and Ali M. Mahmood “Fuzzy- Genetic Controller for Congestion Avoidance in Computer Networks”, IJCCCE conference, 2011. |
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits- First undergraduate level.
Programming in C++ and Engineering Mathematics – Second undergraduate level.
8086 Microprocessor- Third undergraduate level.
System Identification- Third undergraduate level.
Computer Network- Fourth undergraduate level.