Waleed Fawwaz Shareef Amer
Control and Systems Engineering, 2rd floor
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Waleed F. has graduated from the Control and Systems Engineering Department at the University of Technology. He worked as Assistant Lecturer in the same department from 2006 to 2012 and as Lecturer from 2012 to present. He was granted a PhD position in the Iraqi program scholarship Program HCED and accepted in EEE school - Newcastle University - UK as a PhD student. On May 2016 He received his PhD degree. He returned to the Control and Systems Engineering Department at her home University in Baghdad to work as a PhD lecturer.
PhD., Computer Engineering -EEE Dept. Newcaslte University, United Kingdom, 2016.
M.Sc., Control and System Eng. Dep. University of Technology, Iraq, 2007.
B.Sc., Control and System Eng. Dep. University of Technology, Iraq, 2004.
wireless sensor netwrok - wireless monitoring - Embedded Systems -FPGA design- encryption.
Hadi, Ahmed H; Shareef, Waleed F; In-Situ Pipeline Monitoring System Design for Identifying and Locating Damaging Activities Based on Wireless Sensor Network IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 20 2 33-46 2020 University of Technology. |
Shareef, Waleed F; Mossa, Nasheed F; PCA Classification of vibration signals in WSN based oil pipeline monitoring system Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for computer science and mathematics 11 1 Page 60-71 2019. |
Shareef, Faez F; Shareef, Waleed F; Mossa, Nasheed F; Design of Oil Pipeline Monitoring System based on Wireless Sensor Network IRAQI JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL & SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 18 2 53-62 2018 University of Technology. |
Shareef, Waleed Fawwaz; Abulhail, Saif Faris; Hassan, Mohammed Y; Hardware Implementation of IT2FLC using FPGA for Control Applications Al-Qadisiyah Journal for Engineering Sciences 11 1 40-54 2018 Al-Qadisiyah University . |
Amer, Waleed; Tian, Gui Yun; Tsimenidis, Charalampos; A novel, low-profile, directional UWB antenna for WBAN 2014 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC) 708-710 2014 IEEE. |
Amer, Waleed; Tian, Gui Yun; Tsimenidis, Charalampos; Sensing passive object existence within an antenna near field based on return loss 2014 Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC) 400-404 2014 IEEE. |
Shareef, Waleed Fawwaz; Design of Hierarchical Architecture of Multilevel Discrete Wavelet Transform Using VHDL Language Engineering and Technology Journal 28 7 1350-1360 2010 University of Technology. |
Hassan, Hassan J; Shareef, Waleed F; Design and Implementation of Simple and Extendable Microprocessor Based on FPGA Technology AL-MANSOUR JOURNAL 14 (1) 284-304 2010 Private Mansour college . |
Shareef, Faez F; Hashim, Ashwaq Talib; Shareef, Waleed F; Compact hardware implementation of FPGA based RC6 block cipher J Eng Appl Sci 3 598-601 2008 |
Hassan, Mohammed Y; Sharif, Waleed F; Design of FPGA based PID-like fuzzy controller for industrial applications IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 34 2 192-198 2007. |
Advanced Digital System Design
Microprocessors and Embeded System
Software Engineering
Math (Calculus
)FPGA and VHDL laboratory