Zina Khalil Abdulamir
Control and Systems Engineering, 2nd floor.
Assistant Professor
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Z.Khalil Abdulamir has graduated from the Applied Science Department at the University of Technology.She worked as researcher in the same department from 2006 until 2009 then in the department of Quality and Reliability from 2009 until 2013.At 2009 she was granted a Msc. position in the Iraqi-Romanian scholarship Program. She was accepted in the Applied Mathematics in Romania as a Msc. student in October 2010 until June 2012 when she received her Msc. degree. She worked as Assistant Lecturer in Control and Systems Engineering department from 2012 to 2015. She received her scientific promotion to be a university Lecturer in 2015. At 2018 she abcame a Phd. student in Mathematics and Cumputer Department in University of Baghdad until now .
M.Sc., Applied Mathimatics, Univ. of Babes-Boliay, Romania, 2012.
B.Sc., Applied Mathimatics, Univ. of Technology, Iraq, 2003.
Dynamic systems, Ecological systems, Biological Systems, Epidimological systems, applied mathematics.
ZINA KHALIL ALABACY, “ An Application of Differential Transform Method for Optimal Control Problems”, Journal of the College of Basic Education , Vol.20, N0.84, pp.781-794, Iraq,2014. |
Zina K. Alabacy, Asmaa A. Abdulrehman, Lemia A. Hadi ," Direct method for Solving Nonlinear Variational Problems by Using Hermite Wavelets”, Baghdad Science Journal, Vol.12, No.2, pp. 425-430, 2014 |
"Zina Khalil Alabacy, “The Approximation Solution of Some Calculus of Variation Problems Based Euler-Lagrange Equations”,Eng. &Tech.Journal, Vol.34,Part (B), No.1,pp.80-86,2016." |
"Sohaib Khlil, Huthaifa Alkhazraji, Zina Alabacy, “INVESTAGATION OF THE PROCESS CAPABILITY OF WATER PUMP PLASTIC COVER MANUFACTURING”,IJMET, Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018, pp. 349–359, 2018." |
"Huthaifa Alkhazraji, Sohaib Khlil, Zina Alabacy,“Performance measurement using overall equipment and resource effectiveness - A concrete block manufacturing case study”,Journal of Techniques, Vol. 1, No. 1, December 31, Pp. 6-17, 2019." |
"ZINA KHALIL ALABACY, “Applications of Collocation Method for solving IDE and Signal Processing ”, Journal of the College of Basic Education , Vol.26, N0.106, pp.781-794, Iraq,2020." |
Zina KH. Alabacy, “ Applications of Wavelets for BVPs and Signal Processing”, jornal of Kufa , accepted 2020. |
Zina KH.Alabacy, Asma Abdulelah Abdulrahman, “First Chebyshev Wavelet in Numerical Solution and Signal Processing”,Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for Computer Science and Mathematics Vol.12(1), pp Math 34–41, 2020. |
Huthaifa Al-Khazraji, Sohaib Khlil & Zina Alabacy†, “Industrial Picking and Packing Problem: Logistic Management for Products Expedition”,Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 74-80, 2020. |
Sohaib Khlil, Huthaifa Al-Khazraji, Zina Alabacyc, “Process Capability Analysis to Assess Capacity of a Cleaning Liquid Product with Asymmetric Tolerances”, Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 38, Part A, No. 06, Pages 910-916, 2020. |
"S Khlil1, H Al-Khazraji and Z Alabacy, “Solving Assembly Production Line Balancing Problem Using Greedy Heuristic Method”,The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012068." |
Visual Basic Program – Second undergraduate level.
Microsoft Office - Fourth undergraduate level.
Mathimatics 1 – First undergraduate level.
Mathematics 2 - First undergraduate level.