اخبار القسم en

اخبار القسم en

 Postgraduate Students at the Control and Systems Engineering Department take the English Language Test Electronically

  Postgraduate students at the research stage (Master of Science degree) performed the English language exam for the first semester electronically on Wednesday, 5/2/2020. The number of participants in the exam was 20 students, where they expressed their satisfaction with the environment and nature of the examination. In this regard, the electronic examinations are one of the future orientations of the university presidency and the department due to the fact that the exam achieves fair evaluation among all students. In addition, the results could be obtained accurately and immediately. Finally, we wish all students success in performing their exams and obtaining the highest scores.







 Oral Examination of Master’s degree Student (Ruqaa Thamer Kamel)

  The Oral Exam of the Master's Student Ruqaa Thamer Kamel took place at Hall No. 9 in the Department of Control and Systems Engineering on Sunday the 2nd of February 2020. The thesis title was (Path planning for Multiple Mobile Robot systems) The discussion committee consisted of:

• prof. Dr. Amjad Jaleel Humaidi / Chairman.

• Asst. prof. Dr.Wajdi Sadiq Abood / member.

• Lecture Dr. Luma Esa Abdulkareem / member.

• Asst. prof. Dr. Mohammed Jasem Muhammed / member and supervisor.

• Asst. Prof. Dr. Bushra Kadhum Elaywi / member and supervisor.

In his thesis, the student developed a typical system for a mobile robot path planning that can travel well-known environments. The environments consist of circular obstacles. The proposed system consists of two phases: in the first a modified bee colony algorithm is used to calculate the best route for the mobile robot, while in the second phase, the best robot speed was calculated by using the optimal control method and ADL-ABC to ensure that there will be no collision between the robot and the obstacles. The deputy head of the department for scientific affairs and postgraduate studies attended the session. We would like to Congratulate Ruqaa and wish her good luck and all the success.





 The Control and Systems Engineering Department holds Seminars for Postgraduate Students

  On the 4th of February 2020, the Control and Systems Engineering Department held seminars for postgraduate students at the Discussion Hall No. 9 within the scientific activities of the department to achieve scientific benefit by discussing the projects of graduate students in the master research stage of the Mechatronics specialization. These seminars were for the students who passed their complementary round in order to assess what has been accomplished from the student projects and to provide advice and guidance to them. The seminars were for each of the following students:

1- Hussain Shakir Majeed. Research Title: (Sliding Mode Control Strategy for prosthetic finger)

2- Farah Amir Thamir. Research Title: (Automatic Control on the Electromagnetic Radiation inside a Microwave Oven)

These seminars were attended by the Deputy Head for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Study, the administrators of the branches, and several academic staff members.





 Discussion of a Thesis for the Master’s Degree Student (Ahmad Sharhan Kat'e)

  A specialized committee in the Control and Systems Engineering Department discussed a master’s thesis with the specialization of Control Engineering for the student Ahmed Sharhan Kat'e in the Discussion Hall No. 9 on Thursday 30/01/2020. The thesis title was "Design of Adaptive Control for Magnetic Bearing System of Artificial Heart Pump". The examination committee consisted of:

1- Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Yusif Hassan (Chairman)

2- Asst. Prof. Dr. Muaiad Abdul Ridha Sahib (Member)

3- Lect. Dr. Taghreed Muhammed Muhammed Ridha (Member and Supervisor)

4- Asst. Prof. Dr. Saleem Khalifa Kadhum (Member and Supervisor)

The artificial heart is an alternative to the natural heart and is used either temporarily in heart transplants or permanently if the heart is replaced with an artificial heart when the heart transplant is not possible. One of the critical problems facing the manufacture of the artificial heart pump is how to suspend the rotating impeller. The magnetic suspension technology of the artificial heart rotator has been recently used to allow blood to flow easily through the artificial heart in a smooth way and avoid friction and corrosion. The discussion was attended by the Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies. On this occasion, we congratulate the student Ahmed Sharhan Kat'e and we wish him continued success.





 Control and Systems Engineering Department Holds a Cultural Seminar Entitled (Culture of Administrative Work in Scientific Institutions)

  The Control and Systems Engineering Department, in cooperation with the Department of Student Activities held a cultural symposium entitled (The Culture of Administrative Work in Scientific Institutions) on Tuesday 28/1/2020, where Professor Dr. (Talib Mahdi Al-Sudani) gave a lecture at the symposium on the basis of dealing in administrative work and relations among employees. To serve the public interest, he stressed the necessity of upgrading the general behavior of those who work in any educational institution and that it reflects the highest values on his work and his dealings with fellow employees or students where any country cannot be built without the basis of good citizenship and a sense of responsibility and commitment to the ethics of each profession providing the maximum power in the process of construction and community service. The seminar was attended by the Head of Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Azad Raheem Kareem, the Director of Student Activities Department, and a large number of professors and employees of the university.







 Discussion of a Thesis for the Master’s Degree Student (Shehad Nafie Jaafar)

  On Tuesday, 7/1/2020, a discussion was made for the master's degree thesis of the student (Shehad Nafie Jaafar), who is specialized in Computer Engineering, at the discussion Hall No. 9 in the Control and Systems Engineering Department. The title of the thesis was "WIMAX Simulation wireless Network Based WIMAX System". The examination committee consisted of:

1- Asst. Prof. Dr. Azad Raheem Kareem (Chairman)

2- Asst. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Essam Yunis (Member)

3- Lect. Dr. Manaf Sabry Tabo (Member)

4- Lect. Dr. Ekhlas Kadhum Hamza (Member and Supervisor)

In this work, two techniques of the wireless networks were designed, namely the systems of (WIMAX 802.16e LTE), for Baghdad. An enhancement was made using the genetic algorithms (GAs) via the MATLAT software to improve the coverage of the WIMAX and LTE networks. The results of the improvement were used in the radio network planning tool known as the advanced topographic development and telecom ATDIICS solutions. This discussion was attended by the Deputy Head for the Scientific Affairs and the Postgraduate Studies. On this occasion, we congratulate the student (Shehd Nafi Jaafar), and we wish her all the success.





 A Workshop on Obesity and Nutrition Systems Held by the Control and Systems Engineering Department in Cooperation with the Student Activity Department at the University of Technology

  In cooperation with the Student Activity Department at the University of Technology, the Control and Systems Engineering Department held a workshop on Obesity and Nutrition Systems. The workshop was arranged by (Prof. Dr. Mudhafar Abdullah Shafiq), who is specialized in nutrition systems, to talk about this important topic.

The workshop's themes included the harmful effects of obesity, the main elements in food and the extent of benefiting from it, the quantity of the human body's need for these elements, and the emphasis on avoiding other unhealthy food. The head of the department and a constellation of the academic staff members and employees attended the workshop and at the end of this event, certificates of appreciation were given to the participating lecturers. 









 The Control and Systems Engineering Department held a Workshop for the Postgraduate Students in the Research Stage

  The Control and Systems Engineering Department held a workshop for the postgraduate students in the research stage of our department. The workshop was held on Sunday 26/1/2020. The purpose of the workshop was to inform the students about the ministerial and the university instruction regarding the extension of the study duration and thesis submission procedure. The workshop extended its outline to include the concept of plagiarism and the accepted plagiarism ratios in the thesis. The workshop included the regulations of The Department of Research and Development regarding the mechanism for writing and typesetting of the master’s theses. The lectures explained the concept of global containers for research and how to avoid predatory magazines and publishing houses. This workshop was given by (Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Youssef Hassan), (Asst. Prof. Dr. Shibli Ahmed Hamid), and (Lect. Farah Falih Hassan), a number of the postgraduate students from our department attended the workshop alongside some of there supervisors.





 Discussion of a Master's Thesis for the Student Shams Abdel Salam Hashem

  On Sunday, the 15th of December 2019, the Master's thesis of the student Shams Abdel Salam Hashem in the specialization of Computer Engineering was discussed in the Control and Systems Engineering Department at Hall (No. 9) of the department. The title of the thesis is “Design of Second Order Sliding Mode Control Algorithm for a Nonlinear System” The Examination Committee included:

Dr. Shibley Ahmed Hamid (Assistant Professor) / Chairman

Dr. Hazem Ibrahim Ali (Assistant Professor) / Member

Dr. Zakir Mahmoud Nile (Lecturer) / Member

Dr. Ahmed Khalaf Hammoudi (Assistant Professor) /Supervisor and Member

The main topic of the research is how to control the systems at the presence of a disorder (variability of operations and disturbances) that cause bad conditions affecting the performance and stability of the system, and it is considered a difficult task so that the researchers started to develop strong methods of control. This thesis focused on the design of controllers of a solid sliding surface of the first degree (1- SMC) and its extension to the controller with a sliding surface of the second degree (2- SMC) for two algorithms in order to improve the accuracy and durability of the first controller. The exam was attended by the head of the Control and Systems Engineering Department (Assist. Prof. Dr. Azad Raheem Kareem) and deputy head of the department for scientific research and post-graduate studies. On this occasion, we congratulate the student (Shams Abdel Salam) and we wish her good luck and success in her future career.





 Postgraduate Seminars of the Control and Systems Engineering Department

  In accordance with its scientific activities, the Control and Systems Engineering Department held several seminars at Hall No. 9 from the 12th to the 14th of January 2020 to discuss the projects of the postgraduate students who passed the first and second rounds. The purpose of these seminars was to assess what has been accomplished of the projects and to give advice and guidance for the students of the Control, Mechatronics, and Computers branches. The students who participated in these seminars are as follows:

1- Dina Hamid Toma. Research Title "Different SMC Design Approaches for Nonlinear Systems"

2- Anmar Faiadh Abed. Research Title "Sliding Mode Controller for Motor–Quik–return Servo Mechanism"

3- Musadaq Ahmed Hadi. Research Title "Robust Model Reference Controller Design for Nonlinear Time-varying Systems"

4- Abdallah Nadhum Muhsin. Research Title "Optimized Real Time Estimation and Control of Quadrotor systems using extremum seeking Algorithm"

5- Tina Abbas Ali. Research Title "Low–cost MEMS–Based NARX Model for GPS- Denied Areas"

6- Dhuha Haider Hussain. Research Title "Energy-Efficient Data Collecting in Hetergeneous Wirless Sensor Networks"

7- Hanan Muhammed Kadhum. Research Title "Design of Fuzzy logic Controller of an Active Queue Manager for Congestion Avoidance in Internet Routers"

8- Areej Munadhil Kareem. Research Title "Implementation of Transceiver for Congnitive Radio Based Wirless Network"

9- Amal Faris Hasan. Research Title "Design and Implementation of an Error Management Scheme for the Pipeline Circuit"

10- Wajdi Thneyan Juda. Research Title "FPG- based on Adaptive Neural Voltage Controller Design for a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Model" 11- Muhammed Yaseen Kudhaier. Research Title "Intelligent Control Design for Overhead Crane Control"

12- Ameera Kadhum Jabar. Research Title "Information Security Management for Electronic Healthear system"

13- Mais Riadh Kadhum. Research Title "Object Detection Based on Deep Learning"

These seminars were attended by the Deputy Head for the Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Study, branches' administrators, and several academic staff members.



























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